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 European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) ©Adrian Salchner,2022

PITCH YOUR PROJECT 2023: Youth project competition for the sustainable development of the Alpine region is now open!

Data dell'ultima modifica Mercoledì, 31/05/2023

Under the motto "Your Alps! Your Future! Your Project!” young people from all Alpine regions are invited to submit their project ideas for an attractive, modern and sustainable development of the Alpine space by 10 September 2023.

The European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) and the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region are organizing the PITCH YOUR PROJECT competition, for young people between 16 and 25. 

Both individuals and groups such as school classes, student groups or youth associations can apply for the competition. At the end of the application period, a jury of experts will evaluate all the projects submitted in two age categories and will select five best projects. 

This year, the candidates can present projects under 4 categories:  

1.    Climate Change & Water management
2.    Mobility & Energy
3.    Circular economy & Alpine crafts
4.    Social Innovation & Intergenerational synergies

The representatives of the five best placed projects are invited to present their ideas in a "pitch" to an international expert audience in November in Strasbourg. In a public vote, the audience will select three winning projects which will be awarded cash prizes of 5,000, 3,000 and 2,000 euros. The winners will also receive active support in the implementation of their projects by experts from the EUSALP countries.

Apply and shine by following the link.


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