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ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange

The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project 2018-2020 is now finished. Please stay tuned to the European Youth Portal for further developments!

05 Feb 2020

“Technology and Society”: 2020 edition in Arabic 

After the success of the “Technology and Society” pilot course in Arabic and due to the substantial requests for offering it again, Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange is launching the 2020 edition! 

It is a unique opportunity for Arabic speakers and learners to join a Virtual Exchange experience. The last edition attracted many institutions and participants from the Southern Mediterranean region, who lived an outstanding experience over the 6 weeks of the course. 

“Technology and Society” was created due to the demand for opening opportunities to those who want to benefit from Virtual Exchange but lack of English language skills. 

Most importantly, Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange offers an Arabic programme focused on the topics and context that matter to youth in the Southern Mediterranean region, offering a safe space for intercultural dialogue and a platform to connect virtually. Facilitated discussions revolve around how technology and society interact, impact each other, and how technology can contribute to solving social issues.

Participants explored the similarities and differences among countries in the region, they shared their dreams and aspirations, and created friendships with the hope to meet again soon: 

“I enjoyed learning about global cultures and technology; its advantages and disadvantages, enhancing my self-confidence, strengthening ties between people, and developing ideas”, participant from Morocco. 

“The topics the course are important for my future: digital economy -the employment sector- the future of money, the Arabic language and how can emerging startups push the economy of the Middle East to the twenty-first century”, participant from Palestine. 

Don’t miss out on the fun and the great experiences you will gain.

Join us now for the 2020 round of "Technology & Society"!