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Traineeships at the European Network and Information Security Agency

Last updated on Saturday, 19/09/2020

Are you interested in the field of network and information security? Why not apply for an ENISA traineeship in Crete? If selected, you get to spend 3 to 5 months experiencing the day-to-day work of the agency.

The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) works on cybersecurity issues in the European Union, including network and information security for the EU and member countries, so that our computers, mobile phones, banking and the Internet function in order to support Europe’s digital economy.


Are you eligible?

To be eligible for a traineeship at ENISA, you must:

  • be a citizen of an EU country or Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, who have completed the first cycle of a higher university education course and obtained a full degree or its equivalent.

If you have already benefitted from any kind of traineeship or employment within a European institution or body, you are not eligible for an ENISA traineeship. Nor may you have any professional connections with third parties that might be incompatible with the traineeship or exercise any other gainful employment during the traineeship.

Traineeship lasts at least 3 months and at most twelve months.


How to apply?

You should regularly check the open vacancies at ENISA’s website, as the number of traineeships offered in each department is decided every year. If you find a vacancy that suits you, then you must submit your application form electronically.


Trainees receive a monthly grant of €1100 and a refund of their travel expenses to and from Greece.