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Discover the new Europass platform!

Last updated on Thursday, 01/10/2020

Whether you are looking for a job in Europe or you want to learn something new, Europass will provide you with all the tools you need.

The new Europass platform, launched 1 July, is available in 29 languages for Europeans willing to focus on their professional development. 

By using this tool, you’ll have the chance to find interesting courses close to your location, to expand your knowledge and to get tips on studying, training and volunteering.

Thanks to the Europass e-Portfolio, you'll be able to manage your applications and be fully supported on the process of creating CVs and cover letters. 

Based on your profile, interests and skills, Europass will directly suggest you tailored jobs, connect you with future employers and give you various information about planning your career and working abroad. 

Last but not least, the digital credentials free tool will allow institutions to issue digital, tamper-proof qualifications and other learning credentials.

Ready to take the next step?