European Solidarity Corps General Online Training available!
Última actualización Miércoles, 25/11/2020
Already a European Solidarity Corps volunteer? Thinking about becoming one? Maybe you don’t even know what it is? No worries: in our new available training platform you will learn something new! Check it via the European Solidarity Corps portal.
Unsure how to best prepare for your European Solidarity Corps activity? Looking for new ideas on how you can get involved next? Explore our new General Online Training platform and find out more.
The platform is only accessible to European Solidarity Corps registrants via their Corps profile. If you are not registered yet, go to the European Solidarity Corps homepage and click on “Register / Log in”. Once you have created and logged in to your profile, you can access the platform by clicking on the ribbon “Online Training”. After a few clicks, you are free to go! In the platform, you will have access to five different training modules:
- How do you EU: Here, you will have the opportunity to receive more information about the European Solidarity Corps, to explore the EU’s fundamental values, and to get an insight into what role the EU plays in your daily life.
- Have it your way: Do you see yourself volunteering? Or are you looking for a traineeship or a job? Learn more about the different opportunities the Corps can offer and figure out which one might be best suited for you. You’ll also find some practical preparation tips before the start of your experience and will learn how you can grow through it.
- A whole new world…: Starting a new adventure in a foreign country can be a little scary at first and you might be unsure on how to act towards and communicate with others who might be from very different cultural backgrounds. Don’t worry, we got you covered! Have a look at this training module to learn more about your own safety, how to adapt to a new reality and to communicate in intercultural contexts.
- The journey continues: Have you returned from your European Solidarity Corps experience already? It’s time to help you reflect and to guide you through the necessary steps to complete your Corps experience, but it’s also time to look forward to potential next steps! Explore what other opportunities exist for your future.
- Broaden your horizons: Do you need a special skill for a project or simply want to learn something new? Have a look at these courses, including topics like advocacy, leadership, fundraising, and many more.
Do you feel you want more resources? Then check the library section, where you can find additional learning resources, such as the guidebook to the General Online Training, which includes plenty of activities. Why not trying some of them at your local youth organisation?
Interested? Then what are you waiting for? Start exploring the General Online Training now!
And remember: as usual, we LOVE to hear from you, so please give us your opinion on the courses and/or the platform in the dedicated feedback section or at the end of each course. Help us shape the future of the General Online Training. At the end of the day, it is YOURS!