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ESC call is open - volunteers working © European Union, 2023

European Solidarity Corps: new call is open with increased grant levels!

Zuletzt aktualisiert am Dienstag, 05/12/2023

Today, the European Commission launches the 2024 call for proposals under the European Solidarity Corps.


By participating in the European Solidarity Corps, young people are offered the possibility to engage in a wide range of inspiring and empowering solidarity actions in priority areas such as climate change and the green transition, the digital transition, and social inclusion. 

The Programme continues to focus on relief for persons fleeing armed conflicts and other victims of natural or man-made disasters. A further priority for 2024 is to foster positive learning experiences and outcomes for young people with fewer opportunities. As in previous years, the European Solidarity Corps call also incorporates the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps. 

More than €145 million have been earmarked for these solidarity activities in 2024. The funding has been adjusted to respond to the inflationary pressures and to ensure that the budget for projects remains sufficient for implementing high quality activities. 

Check the call for proposals and apply. The deadlines for this call fall between 8 February and 1 October 2024, depending on the type of activity.