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Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad

La unión hace la fuerza

Enhance Youth International mobility


LIMOGES, Francia


International mobility is a major action of the CRIJ Limousin (Regional Youth Information Center). Our non-profit organization would like to promote and encourage young people of Limousin to move abroad. To that order, the volunteer will : - promote and manage the communication around youth mobility programs, such as the EVS and ERASMUS+ in general, but also others, like the Eurodyssee program which is also coordinated by the CRIJ Limousin, - give information to youngsters about these programs but also about international mobility in general, - realize tools (information guides, videos) about mobility in order to promote European programs, - organize events around mobility with national, European and local partners.

Perfil del participante

The volunteer should be willing to promote his/her mobility, his/her country and to get other youngters involved in European programs. We are looking for an open-minded volunteer, full of ideas, really interested in international mobility and interculturality. It will be important to take some initiatives and to work independantly (but always under the supervision of the coordinator). The volunteer should have some skills (or interests) in international relationships, or in communication/information, or in video/infographics, and in foreign languages (French and English).

Fechas de la actividad

Del 01/09/2015 al 31/08/2016

Lugar de la actividad

13 cours Jourdan, LIMOGES, Francia

Voluntariado individual

Se buscan participantes de

Temas de la actividad

Fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes

Fecha de solicitud: 30/04/2015 23:59