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Corps européen de solidarité

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Lipka school facility for environmental education; Kamenná and Lipová

Lužánky - středisko volného času Brno, příspěvková organizace

Lipka – školské zařízení pro environmentální vzdělávání

Brno, République tchèque


Facility Lipová is the oldest facility of Lipka. The key focuses of the facility are environmental education programmes for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. In the afternoons the building fills with children attending natural science and art courses and adults coming for handicrafts clubs or families attend events organized for the general public. Lipová also organizes summer, autumn and spring camps for kids. An important part of activities are seminars for university students, teachers and pedagogues, as well as tutorial work for trainees. Kamenná is the youngest training facility of Lipka. It focuses on the environmental education of adults, primarily teachers and develops a system of teacher training as well as individual thematic seminars for teachers of different subjects and all school grades. It also pays close attention to topics such as teaching about one’s region and natural school gardens.

Modalités d'hébergement, de restauration et de transport

The volunteer will live in a flat (private room, shared flat) in Brno. He/She will have lessons of Czech language and meetings with EVS coordinator and other volunteers – there will be group of other EVS volunteers, working in other partner organizations in Brno. Volunteers have 2 days a week free + 2 days per month of vacation. They are provided with card for public transport, get pocket money and food allowance monthly. Volunteer will work 35 hours per week (this includes Czech language lessons, meeting with coordinator and other volunteers, own miniproject/s).

Formation pendant l’activité

On-arrival and midterm training organized by National Agency, on-arrival "orientation week" organized by Luzanky for group of our volunteers (intensive Czech language course, orientation in Brno, Czech culture, law, etc.). Volunteers can also all year round visit some of the courses and events organized by Luzanky for free to learn something new and for recreation (s.a. circus trainings for adults, ceramics, yoga).

Profil du participant

In Lipová the volunteer will mainly help with educational programmes, clubs and camps for kids, assist with public events and courses for adults, educational tools and activities and administration connected to these activities. His/her work will include contribution on maintaining the garden and care for animals. In Kamenná he/she will assist in preparation of educational programs and be encouraged to take part in service of a community garden. Previous experience with teaching or nature gardens would be an advantage (ability to bring new ideas, games, activities), but is not a condition.

Dates de l’activité

Du 01/11/2017 au 31/10/2018

Lieu de l’activité

Lipová 233/20, Brno, République tchèque

Volontariat individuel

Nous recherchons des participants venus de


Thèmes de l’activité

Date limite de dépôt des candidatures

Délai de dépôt de candidature: 25/09/2017 23:59