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Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad

La unión hace la fuerza

EVS: FAIR Equal opportunities to disadvantaged



Česká Lípa, Chequia


EVS project´s objectives: Develop competences and skills of EVS volunteers in non formal education English, global/multicultural education and career guidance tools for the benefits of disadvantged youth and youth in rural areas via cross sectoral cooperation with formal education institutions and via cross sectoral cooperation with local employers Develop skills and competences in English among disadavatged youth and youth in rural areas, raise multicultural awareness, promote solidarity and tolerance, develop critical thinking, enhance inner understanding and therefore enhance employability and/or right choice of future studies Promote EU values and EU citizenship, promote active citizenship and volunteering, raise awareness of Erasmus+ programme among youngsters with disadadvatages and in rural areas and wide public Develop comptences and skills of involved youth workers including cooperating teachers from formal education institutions

Alojamiento, manutención y transporte

Accomodation - flat for 3 volunteers, each own room, paid by our organization, Food money, Pocket money, Local transport paid.

Formación durante la actividad

Language courses (English, Czech), peer-to-peer languages of other volunteers, Youthpass seminar, Evaluation seminar, Task related training, EU seminar, Career guidance seminar. All trainings on regular weekly basis

Perfil del participante

Motivated and interested in activities of non-formal education provided to children and youth 6-18.

Fechas de la actividad

Del 01/11/2017 al 30/10/2018

Lugar de la actividad

Ant. Sovy 965, Česká Lípa, Chequia

Voluntariado individual

Se buscan participantes de


Temas de la actividad

Fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes

Fecha de solicitud: 31/08/2017 23:59