12 months volunteering project in a social enterprise in Catania, IT
Consorzio Il Nodo - Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali
Catania, Italie
The volunteers will support "Consorzio Il Nodo" social workers in guidance and support of asylum seekers : • dealing with international protection procedures • support in dealing with health practices and public health system • integration activities in the territory (meetings and workshops in ngos, religious venues, schools, sports activities, cultural events, -trips, exchange with other social projects , public events, awareness raising moments active citizenship opportunities); • guidance in employment placement (Vocational Education Trainings, preparation of europass CVs, traineeships , active job search); • socio-psycho-pedagogical support - path of reconstruction of one's own identity (listening groups, support interviews, relational and social orientation, conflict prevention The volunteers will be also involved in the activities of the projects implemented in the schools: creative recycling workshops, agriculture, maintenance, , cooking, active citizenship, sports.
Modalités d'hébergement, de restauration et de transport
Accommodation: The 4 volunteers will be hosted in an apartment, in single rooms, fully equipped with all the facilities, and provided with kitchen equipment and bed sheets andblankets, and towels. Internet connection will be provided. The apartment will be in Catania city center . Address: Via Conte Ruggero, 28 Food. Volunteers will receive monthly, the amount of € 150 for buying food- they will cook at home .They can can also have lunch or dinner in our reception facilities together with guests and operators.
Formation pendant l’activité
Italian Language Course: Volunteers will have online course of Italian through the European platform OLS. They will be required to make an Italian langage test before departure from home and at the end ogf the service to check their linguistic improvements. The 4 volunteers will also be involved, as participants in all the ongoing training activities organized by the Consorzio Il Nodo for its employees and volunteers. Opportunity to take part as listener to training activities organised in cooperation with other Ngos or institutions.
Profil du participant
Interest in the field of asylum, migration , cultural mediation , social and youth work in general. Previous practical experience in the field such using arts, agriculture, handicrafts , digital communication for inclusion path is welcome. Motivation in working with challenging target groups, interest in non formal learning/education. Motivation in learning or improving Italian language. Knowledge of sicilian reality and immigration and asylum regulation and reality in Europe is welcome.
Dates de l’activité
Du 04/05/2023 au 03/05/2024
Lieu de l’activité
via Nuovalucello, 21, Catania, Italie
Volontariat individuel
Nous recherchons des participants venus de
Albanie, Arménie, Autriche, Azerbaïdjan, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Belgique, Bulgarie, Biélorussie, Chypre, République tchèque, Allemagne, Danemark, Estonie, Grèce, Espagne, Finlande, France, Géorgie, Croatie, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Lettonie, Moldova (Republic of), Monténégro, Macédoine du Nord, Malte, Pays-Bas, Norvège, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Serbie, Russian Federation, Suède, Slovénie, Slovaquie, Turquie, Kosovo * UN resolution
Thèmes de l’activité
Social challenges
Reception and integration of refugees and migrants
Education and training
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures
Délai de dépôt de candidature: 10/03/2023 23:59