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Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad

La unión hace la fuerza



Associació Alba

Tàrrega, España


Alba association' goal is to provide educational and social care to people with disabilities in order for them to become more autonomous and facilitate their inclusion in the local community. To reach this goal, Associació Alba offers different services: occupational therapy, a special education school, leisure activities, a sports club and assisted living residences. We are looking for a volunteer to join us in May for 8 months. Volunteer profile: volunteers support our skilled professionals in the different services and activities, always under their guidance. There is also the option of creating and developing a personal project depending on the interests of each volunteer. This is why we are looking for a flexible, highly motivated, open-minded and energetic person willing to live an incredible experience in the heart of Catalunya, Spain.

Alojamiento, manutención y transporte

Accommodation: volunteers have a flat with their own room in Tarrega's city centre. They share the flat with the other volunteers, being a mx. of 6 people. They share the kitchen, the bathroom and the living room. Food: Volunteers work 5 days/week. Lunch is provided the days that they work. For the rest of the meals, they receive 120€/month. The volunteer will receive 180€ of pocket money for general expenses. Transport arrangements: our organisation is in charge of booking all the transportation needed from the volunteer destination to Tarrega at their arrival and their departure.

Formación durante la actividad

During the opportunity, volunteer receives a training on the centred person methodology work that we use in Alba organisation to work with people. They also take part in language exchanges to improve their knowledge in Spanish and Catalan. Application procedure: send your CV at

Perfil del participante

Volunteers support our skilled professionals in the different services and activities, always under their guidance. There is also the option of creating and developing a personal project depending on the interests of each volunteer. This is why we are looking for a flexible, highly motivated, open-minded and energetic person willing to live an incredible experience in the heart of Catalunya, Spain.

Fechas de la actividad

Del 01/06/2024 al 31/12/2024

Lugar de la actividad

Av. Onze de setembre s/n, Tàrrega, España

Voluntariado individual

Se buscan participantes de

Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Chequia, Alemania, Dinamarca, Estonia, Grecia, Finlandia, Francia, Hungría, Irlanda, Italia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Letonia, Malta, Países Bajos, Noruega, Polonia, Portugal, Suecia, Eslovenia, Eslovaquia

Temas de la actividad

Social challenges

Health and wellbeing

Education and training

Fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes

Fecha de solicitud: 13/05/2024 23:59