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European Solidarity Corps

Kraften i samarbeid

Volunteering in a Middle School

Centre Régional Information Jeunesse Grand Est

Collège Université

Reims, Frankrike


Collège Université is an intermediate school for pupils aged between 11 and 15 years old. Université is the name of the street where the school is located, this school is not a University. The school is located in the city center of Reims, a city with more than 200,000 inhabitants with all the facilities. The volunteer will support educational projects to raise European awareness and learning of foreign languages. These activities will be based on non-formal methods. The volunteer will not take the place of a teacher. The volunteer can also take part in educational projects on different topics like gender equality, media education, school bullying, environment... He can also propose clubs to support language learning or open to culture education like a movie club. The volunteer can also propose his/her own activities or some individual support with pupils who face learning difficulties.

Ordninger for innkvartering, mat og transport

The volunteer will live in his/her own flat in the school which will be fully furnished. The volunteer will receive money for food, transport and pocket money. The volunteer will have his/her holidays during school holidays.

Training during the activity

During the mission of the volunteer there will be 2 training Formations. The first one is called the 'Welcome Formation' which is held for 4-5 days in one city of France (not decided yet). And the second which is called 'The midterm Formation' which is 3-4 days in another city in the middle of the volunteering period.

Participant profile

The volunteer must be interested in education and especially in non-formal educational activities. He/she should be able to take initiative and communicate easily with teenagers. An essential skill will be basic knowledge in French. Also, English knowledge is a plus. In order to apply, please fill in the form on this link:

Activity dates

Fra 16/09/2024 til 28/06/2025

Activity location

Reims, Frankrike

Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

Østerrike, Belgia, Bulgaria, Kypros, Tsjekkisk Republikk, Tyskland, Danmark, Estland, Hellas, Spania, Finland, Kroatia, Ungarn, Irland, Italia, Litauen, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Nederland, Polen, Portugal, Romania, Sverige, Slovenia, Slovakia

Activity topics

Education and training

Deadline for applications

Søknadsfrist: 31/08/2024 23:59