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Corps européen de solidarité

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International mobility and youth work at rural french high school


La Rouatiere

Souilhanels, France


Are you looking for a new experience to learn more about education and international mobility? We are looking for 2 volunteers from sept 2024 to june 2025. During these 10 months, volunteers will be able to develop small personal projects related to non-formal education, promotion of international mobility and interculturality, social and language exchange, communication, web radio... This will give them an experience of learning and developing in autonomy, and gain more self-confidence. Each year the activities carried out are always a little different, it all depends on which personal projects the volunteers develop. During some weekends and school holidays, volunteers will be hosted by IDC, where they will have the chance to receive trainings and support for their projects. Also, they will share with volunteers from other countries and projects!

Modalités d'hébergement, de restauration et de transport

Volunteers live at the lycée. They can spend their free time in or off the site. They will be off the weekends (from Friday noon) and during the school holidays they will be hosted and accompanied by IDC (personal projects). Therefore they can go during the school holidays and weekends, to also enjoy the social life with other volunteers. The transports related to the activities will be covered. If they go away for vacation, they will receive a budget to eat as well as restaurant tickets. They will have access to some health or administrative services in Castelnaudary, 5km from the school.

Formation pendant l’activité

Some skills to acquire: - Educational skills: new professional practices, new approaches in terms of formal and non formal education in the social or in the agricultural sector (production methods, green tourism, etc.) to then integrate them into their professional career. - Develop their written and oral communication skills, using all the resources at their disposal (including digital), before, during and after the mobility and the setting up of educational activities. - French language: oral expression and writing

Profil du participant

We are looking for 2 volunteers that are eager to experience a new intercultural experience! With a good capacity for adaptation. Some characteristics that will suit the profile are: sociable, responsible, looking forward to get out of the comfort zone (especially to speak in public in another language), charismatic, flexible, organized, communicative, creative. Interest and motivation in working with youngsters/students and/or in international mobility. Interest/experience in communication is a plus! Download the application form here:

Dates de l’activité

Du 10/09/2024 au 27/06/2025

Lieu de l’activité

Souilhanels, France

Volontariat individuel

Nous recherchons des participants venus de

Belgique, Bulgarie, Allemagne, Estonie, Grèce, Espagne, Irlande, Italie, Portugal, Roumanie

Thèmes de l’activité

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Date limite de dépôt des candidatures

Pas de date limite de dépôt de candidature