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Learning mentor in Tallinn Lauliku Kindergarten


Tallinn Lauliku Kindergarten

Tallinn, Estonie


Lauliku Kindergarten is located in Nõmme district in a quiet area under pine trees. Our mission is to provide versatile and high-quality early childhood education for children aged 2-7. We consider it important that the children in our kindergarten are happy and that every child’s development is ​supported in the best possible way. Outdoor learning, robotics and musical instruments are some of the tools used in our kindergarten educational ​program. Children also take part in various nature and cooperation projects. Our kindergarten uses bullying ​prevention programs and pays great attention to healthy lifestyles. The core values of our kindergarten are caring, ​trust, flexibility and cooperation. More info: Fill this forms to finalise your application:

Modalités d'hébergement, de restauration et de transport

The accommodation costs are covered. Volunteer will live in a shared flat or dormitory equipped with all the necessary utilities for comfortable living. The flat will be located not far from the activities place. Each month volunteer’s receive pocket and food money. The transportation from home country to Estonia and back will be covered according to the distance calculator of Erasmus+ program, visa costs are covered if relevant. A local transport card is provided.

Formation pendant l’activité

The volunteer will have an on-arrival and mid-term training provided by the Estonian National Agency. Regular get-togethers a meeting with all the volunteers and coordinators will take place to evaluate the progress of the volunteering projects, to set goals, socialize and discover new locations in Estonia.

Profil du participant

Dependable person- you do what you say you will, when you say you will. Childfriendly- you are surrounded by approx. 20-25 children every day. Playful- you like to have fun and have no problem interacting with children. Team- player - teaching children is a collaborative effort.

Dates de l’activité

Du 26/08/2024 au 30/06/2025

Lieu de l’activité

Tallinn, Estonie

Volontariat individuel

Nous recherchons des participants venus de

Albanie, Arménie, Autriche, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, République tchèque, Allemagne, Danemark, Grèce, Espagne, Finlande, France, Géorgie, Croatie, Hongrie, Islande, Italie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Lettonie, Moldova (Republic of), Monténégro, Macédoine du Nord, Malte, Pays-Bas, Norvège, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Serbie, Suède, Slovénie, Slovaquie, Ukraine

Thèmes de l’activité

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Date limite de dépôt des candidatures

Délai de dépôt de candidature: 30/05/2024 23:59