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Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad

La unión hace la fuerza



Fundación Sierra Minera

La Unión, Cartagena, España


The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 25 and 38 hours per week. You can find information about the project in the this link: (It includes an online application form that is recommended to complete in order to participate in the selection process). In this project there are several activities in which the volunteer will be able to participate, all of them derived from the idiosyncrasy of our organization that result in valuable learning. These activities are related to the training and social and labor insertion of the population at risk of exclusion (children, young people and adults), the strengthening of their resources and the recovery of the environmental heritage of the area where our organization is located. This participation will always be guided and supported by the professionals in charge of these activities.

Alojamiento, manutención y transporte

The volunteers who participate in our project will live in a flat located in Cartagena together with other volunteers. Each volunteer will have his/her own room to guarantee privacy and space. The coordinating organization will pay the rent of the apartment and the bills on a monthly basis. This project covers also the costs of food (€184 per month), pocket money (€186 per month), local transport, a medical insurance and your travel expenses from where you live to Cartagena and from Cartagena to your place.

Formación durante la actividad

The volunteer will participate in the On arrival and midterm training (midterm evaluation) organized by the Spanish National Agency.

Perfil del participante

This project is aimed at young people between 18 and 30 years old who have not participated in any European volunteering project (EVS or ESC) before. The selection of our volunteers will be made on the basis of their attitude and willingness to participate in the project. We will positively evaluate young people who express a genuine motivation for our project, as well as a strong commitment to the values of the project. We will also value candidates who show a sense of responsibility. It’ll be appreciated some knowledge of Spanish.

Fechas de la actividad

Del 06/09/2024 al 07/08/2025

Lugar de la actividad

Maquinista de Levante, s/n, La Unión, Cartagena, España

Voluntariado individual

Se buscan participantes de

Albania, Alemania, Aruba, Austria, Bermudas, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Bélgica, Canary Islands, Chequia, Chipre, Croacia, Curazao, Dinamarca, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Georgia, Grecia, Groenlandia, Guadalupe, Guayana Francesa, Hungría, Irlanda, Islandia, Islas Caimán, Israel, Italia, Letonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Ucrania, Malta, Luxemburgo, Noruega, Suecia, Serbia, Rumanía, Saint Martin (french part), Reino Unido, Portugal, Países Bajos, Polonia

Temas de la actividad

Social challenges

Environment and natural protection

Working against discrimination (including gender discrimination)

Fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes

Fecha de solicitud: 04/08/2024 23:59