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Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad

La unión hace la fuerza

Volunteer at Kaunas I'Arche Community!

NGO "Actio Catholica Patria"

Asociacija Kauno "Arkos" bendruomene

Kaunas, Lituania


Kaunas l’Arche community is a small faith-based organization of friendship and mutuality between people with intellectual disability and those who assist them. Sociality, spirituality, and professionalism make up the values that our community is based on. Our organization operates as a day center, a social workshop, a living home, and the department of Supported decision-making. The mission of l’Arche communities around the world is to reveal the gifts of people with or without disabilities through friendship and communal relationships. We believe every individual has unique value and can enrich our world with their unique personality and abilities.

Alojamiento, manutención y transporte

A private room in a shared flat with other international volunteers; Public transport card; Monthly food and pocket money (250 euros/month.

Formación durante la actividad

On-arrival training; monthly meetings with your mentor; Lithuanian language classes.

Perfil del participante

APPLY FOR THIS PROJECT, IF: You want to get to know yourself better; You enjoy being among people; You want to experience a communitarian life; You are willing to discover the amazing world of people with intellectual disabilities; You would like to learn self-reflection skills; You are open to Christian values and practices; You are ready and open to collaborating and learning new things, to do simple daily tasks (such as cooking, gardening, or handcrafting); You want to be creative and are ready to take initiative – we have plenty of opportunities for that!

Fechas de la actividad

Del 01/09/2024 al 31/07/2025

Lugar de la actividad

Kauno m. sav. Kauno m. Pienių g. 3, Kaunas, Lituania

Voluntariado individual

Se buscan participantes de

Georgia, Portugal, España, Francia, Irlanda, Bélgica, Países Bajos, Alemania, Italia, Austria, Chequia, Croacia, Eslovaquia, Hungría, Rumanía, Grecia, Polonia, Suecia, Dinamarca, Letonia, Estonia, Finlandia, Chipre, Islandia, Luxemburgo, Malta, Noruega

Temas de la actividad

Social challenges

Health and wellbeing

Education and training

Working against discrimination (including gender discrimination)

Fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes

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