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Corps européen de solidarité

Plus forts ensemble

Volunteer theatre technician in Stanica - culture center


Truc sphérique

Zilina, Slovaquie


For this particular EVS position, the main activity will be working with our team of 3 technicians (2 light guys and 1 sound engineer) - preparing all the events (concerts, theatre and dance shows, film projections, discussions, festivals, etc). Previous experience welcome. Our EVS volunteers are involved in almost all the processes related to everyday operation of independent cultural venue. They do maintenance of the building, sell tickets, they distribute posters or do catering for artists. Other activities depends on mutual discussion and on the individual preferences, background and profile of the volunteer. He/she can develop his own activity which makes sense and fits with our programme. During 12 months spent in our organisation, the volunteer can gain unique experience for people who would like to continue working in the independent cultural field. We are looking for a person who will actively look for new tasks and activities if he will be idle.

Modalités d'hébergement, de restauration et de transport

We have two flats for the volunteers so you will live in a two room or three room flat and every volunteer has his own room. The flat is located in the broad center of Žilina, 85-thousand town located not far from mountains. This town is suitable for walking/biking, mass transportation not needed. There are good connexions with the rest of Slovakia, Czech republic and Poland. Each volunteer gets 300 eur monthly for food and pocket money. They can cook at their flat, the kitchen is fully equipped. The travelling costs are covered fully.

Formation pendant l’activité

Our technical team provides top-quality service for all the artists coming to perform here. You can be part of it. The volunteer for this project needs some previous experience - for example basic level working experience with stage setup, light/sound equipment, basic electricity knowledge more than welcome. We are looking for a person who is willing to work hard and learn more, with the team of our three skilled technicians who will share their knowledge and purely practical experience from years of work in Stanica and other venues. Slovak lessons are covered (one hour a week)

Profil du participant

requirements on the volunteer: - independance - flexibility - active and initiative personality - technical abilities - resistance to stress :) benefits of our organization: - rich social life, - diversity of cultural programme, - diversity of local community - possibility to participate in all events, negatives of our organization: - rich social life - sometimes too much work - sometimes too much freedom - sometimes very silly and politically incorrect humour

Dates de l’activité

Du 01/05/2018 au 30/04/2019

Lieu de l’activité

Závodská cesta 3/2844, Zilina, Slovaquie

Volontariat individuel

Nous recherchons des participants venus de

Thèmes de l’activité

Date limite de dépôt des candidatures

Délai de dépôt de candidature: 14/04/2018 23:59