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Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad

La unión hace la fuerza


Zavod za podjetnistvo, turizem in mladino Brezice

ZPTM Brežice (Youth centre Brežice), Slovenia

Brežice, Eslovenia


The main aim of this project is promote and raise awareness about Human Rights among the youth in the region of Brežice using different kind of methods and tools, specially art & multimedia. We’re looking for volunteers that are interested in working with youth in the field of Human rights through all kind of art, music, theatre, multimedia, to work with youngster, to empower young people for active participation and are eager to learn new experiences. We expect open minded, creative and highly motivated young people. We would like to host volunteers who have their own ideas to develop our project, who may have a specialized interest human rights, in arts & crafts, sport, multimedia … and are fluent in English.Youth centre Brežice, among other activities, is also organizing and preparing all sorts of events (concerts,festivals,fairs,lessons, courses, arts and workshops for youngsters and adults), multimedia production (photo, video), EVS promotion activities etc.

Alojamiento, manutención y transporte

The host organisation will find adequate accommodation for the volunteer. The volunteer will be staying in an apartment in the city center of Brežice, shared with another EVS volunteer but with enough privacy. She/he will have access to a fully furnished apartment. A monthly food allowance will be provided together with pocket money. Accommodation rent and accommodation costs will be covered by Hosting organization.

Formación durante la actividad

The volunteer will take part in all aspects of the EVS training cycle, consisting of the following: pre-departure training, on-arrival training, mid-term meeting and final evaluation.The volunteer will attend the on-arrival training organised by the National Agency or the host organisation as well as nationally organised mid-term meetings.The volunteer will be given any training necessary for them to carry out their tasks. The volunteer will receive a language training course, it will be arranged by the host organisation and will be implemented through individual lessons 2-3 times per week.

Perfil del participante

We want to work with enthusiastic, good-tempered, active youngsters, who have a wish share their interests with youngsters, whose skills will be helpful and valuable for our organization and local community. The young volunteers will be integrated in all daily activities depending on their interests and their potentialities. All of our staff members are open minded, so it will be easy for the volunteers to feel comfortable in the team. The aim of this project is to encourage the volunteers and the local youth to reflect on the role they play in society and how they can contribute to improving

Fechas de la actividad

Del 17/10/2016 al 16/10/2017

Lugar de la actividad

Gubčeva 10a, Brežice, Eslovenia

Voluntariado individual

Se buscan participantes de

Temas de la actividad

Fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes

Fecha de solicitud: 20/09/2016 23:59