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Corps européen de solidarité

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Cultural projects in Flers -Normandy

Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture de Flers

Flers, France


You will be hosted in the museum of Flers for 8 month. In this project you will be able to participate in the actions of the program of the museum and you can also create cultural projects linked to the activities of the museum. For exemple : help the team of the museum to animate the visits of the museums and the different workshops for the public of the museum (families, school classes, ...) According to your skills and wishes you can create different artistic workshops in the museum and in partner organisations. You can also share your culture during different workshops with the population of Flers. There are several cultural institutions in our cities and you can also create a transversal project for the whole territory. You can also participate in the projects of the library and create different workshops around books, reading, litterature, linguistic workshops. There are many other volunteers in our city and you can also create projects together with them.

Modalités d'hébergement, de restauration et de transport

You will be accommodated in the Foyer des Jeunes Travailleurs (young workers’ hostel). This place is situated in the heart of the city-center of Flers and it is managed by agents of the community of Flers Agglo. This place of residence is a good environment for exchanges and will permit not to isolate the young volunteers. This young workers’ hostel is the perfect place to spend 8 months in Flers. It is situated closed to the bus station, the train station, the library, the music school, a concert hall, a park and sports equipment. You will get pocket and food money and bus card.

Formation pendant l’activité

Erasmus+ training : on arrival training and mid term evaluation. By discovering the work of the cultural workers of the city, you will also be trained in different working techniques linked to youth work and cultural work.

Profil du participant

You are between 18 and 30 years old. You are open minded and interested in artistic and cultural projects. You like history and literature and you want to learn about the history of Flers. You like to be in contact with children and to learn to work with them. You will be in a french speaking environment and you want to learn French quickly :-) Please send us your your application via the following link :

Dates de l’activité

Du 15/01/2019 au 31/08/2019

Lieu de l’activité

1 Rue du 6 juin, Flers, France

Volontariat individuel

Nous recherchons des participants venus de

Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, République tchèque, Allemagne, Danemark, Estonie, Grèce, Espagne, Finlande, Croatie, Hongrie, Irlande, Italie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Lettonie, Pays-Bas, Pologne

Thèmes de l’activité

Creativity and culture

Date limite de dépôt des candidatures

Délai de dépôt de candidature: 30/11/2018 23:59