Foyer de l'Enfance - Strasbourg

Foyer de l'Enfance - Strasbourg

Foyer de l'Enfance - Strasbourg


El plazo de presentación de candidaturas ha vencido.

Descripción de la actividad

Supported by ICE-RF, the "Foyer de l'Enfance" of Strasbourg wants to host volunteers in its structure. This experience will give the opportunity to the volunteer to get engaged in a project, to contribute to his/her French level, give him/her autonomy and independence, a maturity in her/his personal and professional life. The "Foyer de l'Enfance" is the only establishment in the "Bas-Rhin" (Elsass) open 24h / day, 365 days / year, which is ready to welcome all situations of ill-treated children, in pain, teenagers in difficulties, mother in precarious situation. The "Foyer de l'Enfance’s" greatest missions are : - to welcome in emergency, night and day - to ensure a following of the child and his parents for a work on the familial ties - the evaluation of a family return possibilities with educative following, research of alternatives solutions - to work in partnership with the entire social, legal, medical and educative structures.

Alojamiento, manutención y transporte

The volunteer will have an apartment with kitchen and bathroom which can to be shared with another volunteer. He will have his own bedroom. He will receive food for his meals. The host organisation will make arrangements to make easier the moving of the volunteer through the city.

Formación durante la actividad

The volunteer will take part at trainings organised by the National Agency. Before the beginning of his voluntary, in august 2019, he has to take part on a 2.5 weeks preparation, which included french courses, administrative tasks and many other interesting activities. This seminar is good to meet other volunteers. It's organised by the coordinating organisation ICE-RF, in Niederbronn les Bains 67110 (France). 2 months and 8 months after the beginning the volunteer is invited to take part on another seminars organised by ICE-RF.

Perfil del participante

The volunteer must be really motivated for a social work, particularly for a contact with children in difficulties, even if he doesn't want to make such a job later. He must have good relational qualities and a good personal hygiene. Ability in music, sport, manual activities would be convenient.

Fechas de la actividad

Total de 52 semana(s) desde 01/09/2019 hasta 20/08/2020

Lugar de la actividad

44 rue Stéphanie, 67000 STRASBOURG France

Se buscan participantes de

Austria, Bélgica, Chipre, Bulgaria, Chequia, Alemania, Dinamarca, Estonia, Grecia, España, Finlandia, Croacia, Hungría, Irlanda, Italia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Letonia, Malta, Países Bajos

Temas de la actividad

Retos sociales

Ciudadanía y participación democrática

Salud y bienestar

Fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes

Fecha de solicitud: 31/01/2019