Emmaüs Centre Alsace - Personnes en difficultés sociales

Emmaüs Centre Alsace - Personnes en difficultés sociales

Emmaüs Centre Alsace


El plazo de presentación de candidaturas ha vencido.

Descripción de la actividad

Supported by ICE-RF, "Emmaus" from Scherwiller wants to host volunteers in its structure. This experience will give the opportunity to the volunteer to get engaged in a project, to contribute to his/her French level, give him/her autonomy and independence, a maturity in her/his personal and professional life. The Emmaus association adheres to the philosophy of the Emmaus movement, founded by Abbé Pierre in 1949: Acting for every man, every society, every nation can live, assert in the exchange and sharing. Hosting is one of the first tasks of Emmaus. It welcomed irrespective of nationality or religion, mostly people living in separation. It allows the homeless person to find a place to rest, sleep, wash, eat.Have a useful activity, work, acquire knowledge, can rebuild their lives and consider a new future. The companion of Emmaus can develop a real skill (carpentry, recycling clothing, kitchen, sale, recovery ...) with which he earns his living.

Alojamiento, manutención y transporte

The volunteer will live in an apartment in Scherwiller with a kitchen, a bathroom and with his own bed room. He can eat at the organisation but he will also get money. French language courses will be provided through the online linguistic support.

Formación durante la actividad

The volunteer will take part at trainings organised by the National Agency. Before the beginning of his voluntary, in august 2019, he has to take part on a 2.5 weeks preparation, which included french courses, administrative tasks and many other interesting activities. This seminar is good to meet other volunteers. It's organised by the coordinating organisation ICE-RF, in Niederbronn les Bains 67110 (France). 2 months and 8 months after the beginning the volunteer is invited to take part on another seminars organised by ICE-RF.

Perfil del participante

Nationality : german or austrian The volunteer should share the basic values that inspires our work as the respect for the people. He has to be openminded and supportive, creative and motivated : a part of people coming at “Emmaüs" needs help to be motivated to build up a new life, even a new activity…

Fechas de la actividad

Total de 52 semana(s) desde 01/09/2019 hasta 20/08/2020

Lugar de la actividad

6 Place de l'Abbé Pierre, 67750 SCHERWILLER France

Se buscan participantes de

Austria, Alemania

Temas de la actividad

Retos sociales

Ciudadanía y participación democrática

Salud y bienestar

Fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes

Fecha de solicitud: 31/07/2019