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Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

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Vitamin T18 - 6 month EVS - starting as soon as possible


A.C.T.O.R. - Cultural Association for Theatre and Origami in Romania

Bucharest, Rumänien


– Developing artistic skills (origami, theatre, crafts etc) for 10 volunteers to create social artistic events for disadvantaged youth – Build cooperation between the stakeholders of the educational environment through non formal and art methods. – Cultivate the importance of cultural diversity & performing arts in education and art-therapy Activities: - designing and leading intercultural workshops (in the field of non-formal education) for children in schools (primary level) and kindergartens • implementing clinical animation sessions for children & youngsters in hospitals & social centres in Bucharest and rural areas • promoting volunteering through non-formal activities and Forum Theatre sessions with youngsters • Organising the Easter Campaign Fundraiser for children in hospitals & social centres • designing and performing artistic social events for disadvantaged children in Romania • running the visibility of the project • creating a toolkit about artistic practices

Beitrag zu Unterbringung, Verpflegung und Reisekosten

The organisation will provide to the volunteers free accommodation, a flat where to live with roommates, money for food, pocket money, reimbursement for the flights to come and go back home, reimbursement for the monthly metro and bus tickets and a Romanian telephone card. Volunteers will live in a flat specially rented for them in double rooms, with a kitchen and a bathroom totally equipped. They will receive 120€ per month for food, with those money volunteers will have to provide to cook by themselves. They will also receive 60€ per month for pocket money.

Fortbildung im Rahmen der Tätigkeit

- On Arrival Training and Mid Term organised by the National Agency - basic trainings in ACTOR about socio-cultural animation and theatre – ex. psycho-pedagogy trainings, clinical animation, movie making/visibility, balloon modelling, origami, puppet/ shadow theatre, face painting, circus training; - Forum Theatre - Romanian language course;


Young person between 18-30 years with: – motivation to live and work in a big and challenging European Capital; – motivation to work with youngsters and children in hospitals and social centres (also disadvantaged ones) – motivation to work with children in schools (primary schools and kindergartens); – interest in any form of art (cuisine, music, dance, theatre, art, art & crafts, etc…); – interest in psycho-pedagogy and childhood education; – flexibility, adaptability and enthusiasm. - a CV and cover letter and availability for selection through Skype interview - fast e-mail response


A total of 24 week(s) during the period 01/05/2019 to 30/11/2019


STRADA DOINA 13-17 BL 1 SC B ET 1 AP 17 SECTOR 5, Bucharest, Rumänien

Individuelle Freiwilligentätigkeit

Gesucht werden Teilnehmer/innen aus

Österreich, Estland, Spanien, Italien, Portugal

Themen der Aktivität

Social challenges

Citizenship and democratic participation

Education and training

Creativity and culture


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