Educational Permaculture Farming

Educational Permaculture Farming

Pospolitost pre harmonicky zivot

Pliesovce, Slovakia

The application deadline has passed.

Activity description

You would be involved in all aspects of the farm life, helping with its development and maintenance, instructing visitors and cooperating with short-term volunteers. Apart from that, you will be involved in our ongoing natural building projects, learning how to work with wood, straw and clay, using hand and power tools, working both on the Sekier farm as well as in other places of the local eco village community , cooperating with locals and short-term volunteers. You will learn how to bake bread and make cheese and joghurt. You will learn how to care for chickens and milk goats. You will learn how to preserve harvest. You will also learn a lot about community life and will be managing a farm household with guests and other short-term volunteers.

Сместување, храна и транспорт

We are a starting educational Permaculture site and working farm, part of Zajezka Ecovillage, situated In the rolling hills of Central Slovakia. We are at 800 m above sea level, on a beautiful meadow surrounded by deciduous mixed forests, with only a dust road access. We grow vegetables and fruits in our gardens and orchard that provides food to the farm members, short-term volunteers, guests and workshop participants. We are also a meat-producing farm. We graze animals and eat extremely good quality pastured meats, dairy, eggs and vegetables.

Training during the activity

During this EVS you will participate in various food and craft workshops and teambuilding trips. You will also receive Slovak lessons that will help you to get more easily involved with the locals.

Participant profile

We are looking for volunteers that are interested in farming, permaculture and community life. The living conditions are simple, but you will live close to the nature and will be able to connect to year-cycle of the seasons in central Europe. You will become part of a organic group of people and families that are living in this valley permanently and you will be able to find strong and full relationships. We are looking for people that are pragmatic and that want to do things with their hands, learn how to use hand tools and develop their craftmanship for their life.

Activity dates

Во вкупен број од 16 недели во времетраење од 01/03/2018 до 31/12/2018

Activity location

Zajezova 132, 96263 Pliesovce Slovakia

Looking for participants from

Германија, Грција, Шпанија, Франција, Шведска, Унгарија

Activity topics

Заштита на животната средина и природата

Здравје и благосостојба

Deadline for applications

Краен рок на аплицирање: 30/04/2018