Social and Sustainable Architecture Volunteering

Social and Sustainable Architecture Volunteering

Critical Concrete - Associação de Experimentação Cultural

Porto, Portugal

This activity is full, you cannot apply.

Beschreibung der Tätigkeit

Critical Concrete is an educational initiative, advocating for sustainable and social architecture. We are currently restructuring our activities in order to serve better our mission: > We are starting the full-on refurbishment of our headquarters to offer a quality space for local activities, workshops, as well as to showcase what high-quality but affordable sustainable architecture looks like. > We aim as well to strengthen our economical model and team structure, to give a longer term perspective to our activities. We are looking for people willing to get their hands dirty, learn and apply sustainable construction methods on our headquarters, principally, if not exclusively. We’re looking for people excited to be working hands-on. During the placement, we will refurbish our entire 650m2 project space. This mad task will be done over the course of the next few years. There can be a small portion of the job that involves photo/video documentation of the process.

Beitrag zu Unterbringung, Verpflegung und Reisekosten

The volunteers will be given money to rent their own rooms in the city, with our help. The food is vegan in the project space, and we cook altogether for lunch. The volunteers are responsible for their breakfast and dinners.

Fortbildung im Rahmen der Tätigkeit

You will be supported by the team during the placement in every new thing you do! IMPORTANT NOTE: SEND US AN EMAIL AT WITH A CV AND MOTIVATION LETTER TO APPLY! Applications without CV and Motivation letters will be discarted and won't be answered sorry :)


Hands-on work is hard and physical. It is recommended to be fit to come to work at Critical Concrete during this HQ refurbishment phase. If you have back issues, dust allergies, are not use to physical activities, maybe come work with us sometimes later in the future! You don’t need to be elite athletes, but a good overall physical condition and motivation is a necessity in this phase of our organisation. We are looking for motivated and eager to learn volunteers! Check our website before applying!


Insgesamt 26 Woche(n) im Zeitraum 01/02/2024 bis 31/07/2024


Rua direita de Francos, 1024, 4250-192 Porto Portugal

 Individuelle Freiwilligentätigkeit

Gesucht werden Teilnehmer/innen aus

Albanien, Armenien, Österreich, Belgien, Bulgarien, Zypern, die Tschechische Republik, Deutschland, Dänemark, Estland, Ägypten, Griechenland, Spanien, Finnland, Frankreich, Georgien, Kroatien, Ungarn, Irland, Italien, Luxemburg, Lettland, Montenegro, die Niederlande, Rumänien, Polen, Norwegen, Serbien, Französisch-Polynesien, Französisch-Guayana, Kosovo * UN resolution, Ukraine, die Slowakei, Slowenien, Schweden

Themen der Aktivität

Soziale Herausforderungen

Umwelt- und Naturschutz

Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung

Kreativität und Kultur


Keine Bewerbungsfrist