Asociación Tutelar Asistencial de Discapacidad Intelectuales. ATADES

Zaragoza, Spain

Beschreibung der Tätigkeit

The project is developed at Atades, organisation which works with adults with intellectual disabilities. Activities are developed at its Leisure and Entertainment Club Los Tigres and one of its residences. This project also counts with specific activities related to sport. The goals of this project are: - To improve the quality of life of the target group (people with intellectual disabilities). - To motivate and help people with intellectual disabilities to practise different sports. - To ensure that ESC volunteers live an enriching experience. Two ESC volunteers will participate in activities of the Club: - Workshops: cookery, body language, arts and crafts, etc. - Activities on Saturdays: theatre, dance, etc. - Trips outside the Club: one-day trips and 3 or 4 days camping. The other ESC volunteer will participate in the following activities of the residence: - Sport and exercise-related activities. - Leisure and free time activities.

Beitrag zu Unterbringung, Verpflegung und Reisekosten

The ESC volunteers will live in a rented apartment with their own bedroom, a living room, kitchen, toilet and bathroom. They share the house with other local or ESC volunteers or students. The organisation provides the participant with a monthly allowance for transportation and meals of 200 € plus the pocket money.

Fortbildung im Rahmen der Tätigkeit

The participants are welcome to join all the training courses that are specifically designed for the organisation's volunteers. Moreover, the organisation's staff helps the ESC volunteers with the Spanish language or any subject they can need and encourage them to enrol a Spanish course in the Official Language School.


People interested in the field of intellectual disability and who like sports. Besides, they must be open-minded, sociable and with eager to learn. The organisation welcomes people with creativity and initiative. Although it is not an essential requirement people who already speak a bit of Spanish will be held in favourable consideration.


Insgesamt 52 Woche(n) im Zeitraum 01/10/2023 bis 30/09/2024


C/ Octavio de Toledo, 2., 50007 Zaragoza Spain

Gesucht werden Teilnehmer/innen aus

Österreich, Belgien, Bulgarien, Zypern, die Tschechische Republik, Deutschland, Dänemark, Estland, Griechenland, Spanien, Finnland, Frankreich, Georgien, Kroatien, Ungarn, Irland, Israel, Island, Italien, Litauen, Luxemburg, Lettland, Montenegro, Malta, die Niederlande, Norwegen, Polen, Palästina, Portugal, Rumänien, Serbien, Russian Federation, Schweden, Slowenien, die Slowakei, Ukraine, das Vereinigte Königreich, Kosovo * UN resolution, British Antarctic Territory, Anguilla, Aruba, St. Barthélemy, Bermuda, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Canary Islands, Curaçao, die Falklandinseln, Französisch-Guayana, Grönland, Guadeloupe, das Britische Territorium im Indischen Ozean, die Kaimaninseln, Saint Martin (french part), Martinique, Montserrat, Neukaledonien, Französisch-Polynesien, Pitcairn, Réunion, Saint Helena, Sint Maarten (dutch part), die Turks- und Caicosinseln, French Southern and Antarctic Territories

Themen der Aktivität

Soziale Herausforderungen

Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden

Körperliche Betätigung und Sport


Keine Bewerbungsfrist