Volunteering in kindergarten in Vilnius, Lithuania

Volunteering in kindergarten in Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnius, Lithuania

El plazo de presentación de candidaturas ha vencido.

Descripción de la actividad

Kindergarten "Mamos delne" is looking for a long-term (12 months) volunteer. Kindergarten was established in 2013, it provides pre-school education for children from 1 to 6 years old kids. Kindergarten offers daily activities for kids, as well as different events, actions, different workshops. Volunteer will be helping kindergarten teachers to implement different activities for kids, organize events, workshops and etc. The Volunteers will also have a space to implement his/her ow ideas, projects, activities.

Alojamiento, manutención y transporte

Volunteer will be accommodated in a rented apartment together with other volunteers, each volunteer will have a separated room. Volunteer will be provided with monthly allowance (food and pocket money), monthly public transport ticket

Perfil del participante

The main criteria for choosing volunteers - a motivation to work with the target group of hosting organization. When you send us the application, please mention for which exactly opportunity you are applying (name of the hosting organization). Deadline for applications: 18 12 2023 Please, send your application to e-mail: egle.saltes@gmail.com

Fechas de la actividad

Total de 52 semana(s) desde 09/03/2024 hasta 09/03/2025

Lugar de la actividad

Vilnius Lithuania

 Voluntariado individual

Se buscan participantes de

Austria, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Bielorrusia, Chipre, Chequia, Alemania, Dinamarca, Estonia, Grecia, España, Finlandia, Francia, Georgia, Croacia, Hungría, Irlanda, Israel, Islandia, Italia, Liechtenstein, Luxemburgo, Letonia, Macedonia del Norte, Malta, Países Bajos, Noruega, Polonia, Portugal, Rumanía, Serbia, Russian Federation, Suecia, Eslovenia, Eslovaquia, Ucrania, Reino Unido, Kosovo * UN resolution, Turquía, Marruecos, Albania, Armenia, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro

Temas de la actividad

Educación y formación

Fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes

Fecha de solicitud: 18/12/2023