Volunteering at OJA Lauterach | Solidarity & Diversity in Vorarlberg

Volunteering at OJA Lauterach | Solidarity & Diversity in Vorarlberg

Offene Jugendarbeit Lauterach

Lauterach, Austria

The application deadline has passed.

Activity description

*PLEASE apply by writing an E-Mail to susanne.sparr@aha.or.at, with your CV & Motivation Letter!!* As a volunteer with us, you will learn a lot about youth work and will get insights into the various fields of youth work: leisure time activities, intercultural dialogue, employment, education + training in youth work. In the daily contact with the young people you will increase your social competences in establishing contacts and building relationships. Helping with projects or doing your own projects will advance your skills in project management and teamwork. You will get an insight into various youth cultures and will meet (young) people of different cultural origin. Possible tasks are: * Supervising the youngsters * playing games with the youngsters * communicating and giving advice * Street work: meeting young people and talking to them and informing them about our workshops + activities * Special workshops: graffiti jam, Kino night, girls day, sport activities, etc.

Сместување, храна и транспорт

As a volunteer, you will live in a student housing where also other residents with different backgrounds live. You will have a room with bathroom on your own and share a kitchen with the other residents. You will receive your food- and pocket money always in the beginning of the month. The infrastructure with trains and buses is easy, quick and frequent. Also you will have a bicycle at your disposal and you will receive a ticket for free use of any public transport in the whole region of Vorarlberg during the complete project time.

Training during the activity

The volunteer will have following trainings and opportunities: - On-arrival Training; organised by the NA Austria - Midterm-Meeting; organised by the NA Austria - German course; organised by the supporting/coordinating organisation - Regular evaluation meetings together with the supporting/coordinating organisation - Regular meetings with your mentor in the hosting organisation

Participant profile

We are ready and open to receive a volunteer and look forward to getting to know someone new. We think it important that the person is ready to have new experiences. The volunteer should be motivated to work in our team and should like to get to know many young people. To work with young people should be fun and enriching. We are looking for a creative, flexible and motivated person.

Activity dates

Во вкупен број од 51 недели во времетраење од 05/09/2022 до 31/08/2023

Activity location

Lauterach Austria

Looking for participants from

Албанија, Ерменија, Австрија, Азербејџан, Босна и Херцеговина, Белгија, Бугарија, Белорусија, Кипар, Република Чешка, Германија, Данска, Алжир, Естонија, Египет, Грција, Шпанија, Финска, Франција, Грузија, Хрватска, Унгарија, Ирска, Израел, Исланд, Италија, Јордан, Либан, Лихтенштајн, Литванија, Луксембург, Летонија, Либија, Мароко, Moldova (Republic of), Црна Гора, North Macedonia, Малта, Холандија, Норвешка, Полска, Палестина, Португалија, Романија, Србија, Russian Federation, Шведска, Словенија, Словачка, Syrian Arab Republic, Тунис, Турција, Украина, Обединето Кралство, Kosovo * UN resolution, British Antarctic Territory, Ангилја, Аруба, Сен Бартелеми, Бермудски, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Canary Islands, Курасао, Фолкландските Острови, Француска Гвајана, Гренланд, Гвадалупе, Британскиот Територија на Индиски Океан, Кајмански Острови, Saint Martin (french part), Мартиник, Монтсерат, Нова Каледонија, Француска Полинезија, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Реунион, Saint Helena, Турците и Каикос Острови, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Virgin Islands (British), Валис и Футуна

Activity topics

Социјални предизвици

Граѓанско и демократско учество.

Креативност и култура

Deadline for applications

Краен рок на аплицирање: 28/03/2022