Support children and youth in Lithuania with "Trinus"!

Support children and youth in Lithuania with "Trinus"!


Aristava village, Lithuania

Die Bewerbungsfrist ist verstrichen.

Beschreibung der Tätigkeit

The main purpose of this volunteering activity is learning while strengthening the children and youth of Lithuania, and particularly - of Aristava village and Kedainiai region. These are the planned activities for a volunteer: 1. Homework, cooking, daily routine, creative and indoor/outdoor activities with 7-14 years old children and teenagers of the children daycare center "Trinus Troba", 2. Assistance to the leaders, implementation of non-formal education and free time activities for children and teenagers at summer camps, 3. Participation with the children and teenagers of the children daycare center "Trinus Troba" at local community events, 4. Presentations about the opportunities of European Solidarity Corps program and own volunteering experience for children and teenagers in local and regional schools. > >

Beitrag zu Unterbringung, Verpflegung und Reisekosten

Accommodation: the volunteer will live alone in the second floor of a newly renovated used-to-be-a-school building in the village of Aristava (10 km away from the town of Kedainiai). The volunteer will have a private room and a bathroom, which she/he will share with children/youth groups during summer camps in summertime. Food: the volunteer will eat with the children of the daycare center, will receive products or a food allowance for cooking in the "Trinus Troba" kitchen. Transport: the volunteer will be able to use a moped, a bike and - in particular situations - bus/car.

Fortbildung im Rahmen der Tätigkeit

The volunteer will be able to participate in a training for social workers in case such a possibility will be available in English language. Mostly, the volunteer will receive assistance from employees of "Trinus". Participation in a training/seminar or visiting a different organization/institution for learning purposes could be possible and covered in a case that this directly relates to volunteer's responsibilities or an initiative she/he would like to implement.


We are looking for a young person to volunteer in a 3-person-team of "Trinus". Requirements for the volunteer: interest in and experience of working with children and youth; ability to create relationships with children and youth at the same time drawing borders and helping them to follow rules; English skills (not perfect); readiness to ask for help or advice; 13-30 years old. Desired (but not a requirement): Russian skills; background in pedagogy. Possible challenges for the volunteer: living in a village, relative isolation from the centers; encountering local stereotypes.


Insgesamt 39 Woche(n) im Zeitraum 18/03/2023 bis 15/12/2023


Naujoji g. 9, 58111 Aristava village Lithuania

Gesucht werden Teilnehmer/innen aus

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Themen der Aktivität

Soziale Herausforderungen

Bürgerschaft und demokratische Teilhabe

Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung


Bewerbungsfrist: 10/01/2023