BioArt Village - Q3/Q4 2023

BioArt Village - Q3/Q4 2023

BioArt Laboratories

Eindhoven, Netherlands

This activity is closed, you cannot apply.

Activity description

Are you a young individual seeking an extraordinary opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment while developing practical skills? You like construct or renovate? Look no further! The European Solidarity Corps invites you to embark on a remarkable journey at BioArt Laboratories, a non-profit organization that is situated in the green heart of Eindhoven. Our project takes place in an off-grid bunker-complex that looks like an ensemble of rural farmhouses. We are aiming to repurpose these old monumental buildings into a place where we look for a sustainable way of working with nature. The main activity is to assist us in developing BioArt Village. You can learn how to take daily care of animals; take care of the garden and forest and learn from nature; learn more about agricultural, self-sustainable practices and concepts while working hands-on with our outdoor DIY projects; and bring new life to old cultural-historical buildings through woodworking, renovation and so on.

Сместување, храна и транспорт

We provide basic accommodations that come with the off-grid character of the location. The place is situated close to the city-center and access to bikes is possible after a deposit. Volunteers get pocketmoney and food money, but cooking skills are required. Costs for travel, food and pocket money are provided up-to the funding budget according to the European Solidarity Corps.

Training during the activity

As our activities and projects are quite diverse, so would be the development of skills and competencies. As you work along with our projects, you can get into self-sustainable practices and concepts; learn how to take care of animals; approach projects and solutions with a DIY mentality and an hands-on approach; learn to apply gardening, renovation, woodworking and so on. Online Linguistic Support is also possible.

Participant profile

We are looking for volunteers who love to do practical work outside, while eager to explore new possibilities with a go-getter mentality and proactive attitude. The volunteer wants to make a meaningful contribution to society and thereby endorse core values such as solidarity, cooperation and mutual understanding and respect. During your stay you’ll interact daily with our colleague’s to develop your English language and we will count on your personal experience and contribution. For Turkish applicants, be mindful of VISA application time (green passport is quickest).

Activity dates

Во вкупен број од 16 недели во времетраење од 01/09/2023 до 31/01/2025

Activity location

Oirschotsedijk 14-10, 5651GC Eindhoven Netherlands

 Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

Турција, Словачка, Унгарија, Словенија, Германија, Белгија, Грузија, Албанија, Ерменија, Австрија, Азербејџан, Босна и Херцеговина, Бугарија, Белорусија, Кипар, Република Чешка, Данска, Естонија, Грција, Шпанија, Финска, Франција, Хрватска, Исланд, Италија, Јордан, Либан, Лихтенштајн, Литванија, Луксембург, Летонија, Либија, Moldova (Republic of), Црна Гора, North Macedonia, Малта, Норвешка, Полска, Романија, Србија, Шведска, Syrian Arab Republic, Украина, Kosovo * UN resolution, Ангилја, Аруба, Валис и Футуна, Virgin Islands (British), French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Турците и Каикос Острови, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Saint Helena, Реунион, Pitcairn, St Pierre and Miquelon, Француска Полинезија, Нова Каледонија, Монтсерат, Мартиник, Saint Martin (french part), Кајмански Острови, Британскиот Територија на Индиски Океан, Гвадалупе, Гренланд, Француска Гвајана, Фолкландските Острови, Курасао, Canary Islands, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Бермудски, Сен Бартелеми

Activity topics

Социјални предизвици

Заштита на животната средина и природата

Deadline for applications

No application deadline