ESC Opportunity - Graphic Designer & Multimedia

ESC Opportunity - Graphic Designer & Multimedia

Gap Year Portugal Association

Lisbon, Portugal

The application deadline has passed.

Activity description

Gap Year Portugal is the youth organization in Portugal that is responsible for promoting the concept of gap year in Portugal and for supporting all young people who want to do it. We believe in the power of getting out of the comfort zone and learning with the world. In this sense, we are looking for 1 international volunteer to be part of the team! As a Graphic Designer you will be part of the association's communication department and the right hand of the Communication Director. This means you will be responsible for: (1) Support in the creation, research, and development of communication & design ideas; (2) Content design for the different uses of the communication of Gap Year Portugal (social media, website, blog, newsletter, podcast, etc); (3) Support in the analysis and reporting of communication results in the different media. Recruitment Guide:

Сместување, храна и транспорт

Gap Year Portugal will provide a private room in a shared house, with all expenses included (electricity, water and WIFI) and a monthly pass for local transportation. In addition, the volunteer will also receive pocket money each month to cover food and small expenses.

Training during the activity

During the time of the volunteering, the volunteer will have the opportunity to receive general and specific training in relevant areas. Besides from that, the volunteer will also have the opportunity to participate in all of the off-site weekends of the NGO.

Participant profile

Who we are looking for? (1) Up to 30 years old; (2) Have a passion for the world of gap years, travel, volunteering and "out of the box" experiences; (3) "Thirst" to create some social impact; (4) Ideally: some level of Portuguese; (5) a designer with critical thinking, attention to detail, versatility and autonomy; (6) Ability to create and edit images using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or similar. It is a plus if you have: (7) Knowledge of Social Networks, Wix, Facebook Ads and Google Ads. (8) Ability to create and edit video and sound using Adobe Premier/ Audition or similar.

Activity dates

Во вкупен број од 30 недели во времетраење од 01/09/2023 до 26/03/2024

Activity location

Avenida Estado Unidos da América, 100, 9º andar, 1700-179 Lisbon Portugal

 Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

Албанија, Ерменија, Австрија, Азербејџан, Босна и Херцеговина, Белгија, Бугарија, Белорусија, Кипар, Република Чешка, Германија, Данска, Естонија, Грција, Шпанија, Финска, Франција, Грузија, Хрватска, Унгарија, Ирска, Израел, Исланд, Италија, Јордан, Либан, Лихтенштајн, Литванија, Луксембург, Летонија, Moldova (Republic of), Црна Гора, North Macedonia, Малта, Холандија, Норвешка, Полска, Португалија, Романија, Србија, Russian Federation, Шведска, Словенија, Словачка, Украина, Kosovo * UN resolution

Activity topics

Образование и обука

Вработување и претприемништво

Deadline for applications

Краен рок на аплицирање: 31/07/2023