Fundacja CAT's PurrfectVibe

Fundacja CAT's PurrfectVibe

Fundacja Centrum Aktywności Twórczej

Leszno, Poland

Activity description

Volunteers will prepare classes for children and adults, focusing on language instruction in their own mother tongue such as English, Spanish, or Italian to enhance communication skills. They will also organize educational workshops, including seasonal camps like Catventures and Eurocamps for youth engagement. Additionally, volunteers will facilitate small projects in the local community, emphasizing adaptability and idea realization. Cultural representation to promote openness and challenge stereotypes is essential. The role also involves advocating for sustainability, promoting European values, and engaging youth in community projects. Volunteers are committed to developing innovative methods for interacting with children and young individuals. Lastly, they will organize events and oversee diverse activities during the European Week festival and CAT Festival.

Сместување, храна и транспорт

Volunteers will reside in fully furnished shared flats, complete with spacious rooms and a communal space that includes a backyard. Every two weeks, volunteers receive pocket money and a food allowance (Per ESC guide 2023). The foundation ensures convenient access to the office, as all flats are within a 5-minute walking distance. Additionally, bicycles are available for use. Furthermore, volunteers are covered by Henner health insurance.

Training during the activity

Polish NA provide two trainings : On Arrival training and Mid Term training. Apart of NA trainings, we organize every month the opportunity for the volunteers to join a small training which will develop her/his skills and competences and also support in building a team with the rest of the group.

Participant profile

We are looking for individuals with specific skills, including the ability to work with children and youth, teaching languages such as Spanish, English or Italian etc. Proficiency in editing and creating social media content, as well as the capability to produce short films, is highly desirable. Candidates should be able to collaborate effectively in a group, with an interest in creating activities related to ecology or sports and well-being. Artistic skills in music, art, or theater are also valued. Furthermore, candidates should have an interest in being part of an international team.

Activity dates

Во вкупен број од 56 недели во времетраење од 15/05/2024 до 11/06/2025

Activity location

Gen. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego 3B, 64-100 Leszno Poland

 Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

Ерменија, Албанија, Австрија, Босна и Херцеговина, Белгија, Бугарија, Белорусија, Кипар, Република Чешка, Германија, Данска, Естонија, Грција, Шпанија, Финска, Грузија, Хрватска, Унгарија, Ирска, Исланд, Италија, Лихтенштајн, Литванија, Луксембург, Летонија, Moldova (Republic of), Црна Гора, Малта, Холандија, Норвешка, Португалија, Романија, Србија, Шведска, Словенија, Украина, Kosovo * UN resolution

Activity topics

Креативност и култура

Deadline for applications

No application deadline