WINDS OF CHANGE - Kindergarten "U Karolka"

WINDS OF CHANGE - Kindergarten "U Karolka"

Fundacja "WIATRAK"

Bydgoszcz, Poland

Descripción de la actividad

The position is a part of Volunteering for Individual ESC "Winds of Change" Project. The volunteer will assist in preparing and organizing activities and games for children, including some that are part of the culture of the volunteer; the volunteer will actively participate in the daily life and take care of the kids (walks, trips, visits etc.); Teach basic words from the native language of the volunteer, English, and any other language. Share any passion or hobby that they may have (music, theatre, sport, drawing, handcraft, decoration etc.); Help with serving meals and tidying up. During the project all volunteers will take part in the events of the host organization, local celebrations, giving presentations about their countries, promote European Solidarity Corps etc. They will have chance to meet many other volunteers who participate in Summer and Christmas projects of the foundation and will gain a huge experience in meeting people, exchanging culture and experience.

Alojamiento, manutención y transporte

Volunteers will be accommodated in single or double room in normal flats. They will share bathroom, kitchen and common area; - Volunteers will receive monthly financial allowance for food and cleaning stuff (boarding money) as well as Pocket money; - Travel Cost will be reimbursed according to the Programme Guide; - A card for free public transportation in Bydgoszcz will be provided by the organizers; - Volunteer will be provided by Henner Insurance.

Formación durante la actividad

Official Trainings: - On-Arrival Training; - Mid-Term Meeting. Trainings of "Wiatrak" Foundation: "Wiatrak" Foundation organize an introductory workshop for the volunteers as they arrive that includes Tour at the Foundation, Orientation information about the project, (training activities, ice-breakers, presentation of the project, rules, roles), Meeting the whole team (coordinators, other volunteers, facilitators, supervisors, translators, Polish teacher, mentor etc.), City game to get to know Bydgoszcz, etc.

Perfil del participante

In “Winds of change” Volunteering for Individuals ESC project we are looking for: - Young people between 18 and 30 years old, - Available to take part for 12 months; - Motivated, flexible, open-minded, positive, ready to gain new experience in international atmosphere, creative, supportive, ready to play with kids, disabled people, youngsters, seniors. The perfect profile for this opportunity is someone who want to take the chance to develop their own skills and interests while helping making unforgettable moments for the local community.

Fechas de la actividad

Total de 52 semana(s) desde 01/06/2024 hasta 30/06/2026

Lugar de la actividad

7, Generała Mikołaja Bołtucia Str., 85-796 Bydgoszcz Poland

 Voluntariado individual

Se buscan participantes de

Albania, Austria, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Chequia, Alemania, Dinamarca, Estonia, Grecia, España, Francia, Finlandia, Georgia, Croacia, Hungría, Irlanda, Islandia, Italia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Letonia, Montenegro, Macedonia del Norte, Malta, Países Bajos, Noruega, Portugal, Rumanía, Suecia, Eslovenia, Eslovaquia, Ucrania, Canary Islands, Moldova (Republic of)

Temas de la actividad

Retos sociales

Ciudadanía y participación democrática

Educación y formación

Creatividad y cultura

Fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes

Fecha de solicitud: 15/06/2024