National Youth Council of Moldova -Youth work

National Youth Council of Moldova -Youth work


Chisinau, Moldova (Republic of)

The application deadline has passed.

Activity description

CNTM promotes youth interests in Moldova, contributing to the development of associative youth structures through training programs and educational activities, information campaigns, lobbying, and consulting work. Volunteer tasks: • Support in realizing activities in the Youth Centre "TohaTEEN HUB" • Support in project writing • Organizing activities for the local volunteers • Participating in the recruitment process of the local volunteers • Support in organizing the YOUTH Festival • Participating in the Youth Clubs • Updating the youth portal with new opportunities: Find more on:

Сместување, храна и транспорт

Volunteer(s) will live in a host family or volunteer's flat with shared kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Also volunteer(s) will have access to the land line phone in their accommodation. Internet can be accessed in the internet cafes and wi-fi spots in the city, also some volunteer flats have internet access at individual basis. As well volunteer will be able to use internet in his Host Organization. Depending on the district of the city where volunteer will live he/she can reach the center by foot or by public transportation

Training during the activity

OAT and mid term evaluation made by SALTO EECA and other trainings done by the Host and coordinating organization

Participant profile

Have a keen interest in discovering and interacting with other cultures, and learning a new language - be creative and motivated to work in a dynamic international atmosphere - A good command of English as well as PC literacy (Word, Excel) and knowledge of Graphic prograames are assets

Activity dates

Во вкупен број од 41 недели во времетраење од 01/09/2019 до 01/06/2020

Activity location

Chisinau Moldova (Republic of)

Looking for participants from

Албанија, Ерменија, Австрија, Азербејџан, Босна и Херцеговина, Белгија, Бугарија, Белорусија, Кипар, Република Чешка, Германија, Данска, Алжир, Естонија, Египет, Грција, Шпанија, Финска, Франција, Грузија

Activity topics

Социјални предизвици

Прифаќање и интеграција на избеглици и мигранти

Граѓанско и демократско учество.

Спречување и решавање на катастрофи

Заштита на животната средина и природата

Здравје и благосостојба

Образование и обука

Вработување и претприемништво

Креативност и култура

Deadline for applications

Краен рок на аплицирање: 14/07/2019