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Accredited organisation

Zavod za mladino in šport Krško

Zavod za mladino in šport Krško

Cesta krških žrtev 105, 8270, Krško, Slowenien - +38674882287

Beschreibung der Einrichtung

Youth center Krško was established in 2001 as a public body by the Municipality of Krško for organizing and performing youth programs. Over the years, the Youth Centre has become an epicentre for young people where they can come to socialise, create and participate in various informal workshops and training courses.
Our scheme includes various program fields: informing and counselling, prevention, informal education, culture, multimedia and digitalization, creative past time activities, international youth work, activities for children, Street work, daily center (activities for migrants and kids with fewer opportunities)with main aim of inclusive society, choosing profession day, Saturday school for youth, health life style and mental health workshops, different activities for promoting sustainable green Europe
Furthermore we provide the needed infrastructure and technical support for NGO-s and informal groups of young people. As a public body Youth center Krško does not have any membership preferences. Out programs are organized for wider public, as we do not have any rase, religious, ethnic, social,… preferences. Our organization was primarily established for young people, so we support their active participation in organizing and performing programs. Our target group are young people aged between 15 and 29 years. They give initiatives for the program, do the voluntary work or just visit our programs. We involve app. 50 volunteers who work in our center on a daily/weekly base and app. 100 volunteers who do specific project. We provide the needed training for them (project work, motivation, conflict workshops,…). They have weekly/monthly meetings with the program leaders. Our main goal is to motivate young people to take an active part at the local, national and international levels; and taking responsibility for their own actions and decisions. With our activities we want to offer young people and people with fewer opportunities new possibilities and opportunities engaging in projects and workshops, enabling them to travel, learning about different cultures and people and provide them with a safe environment free from prejudice and condemnation, where they can continue develop personally, strengthen their self-confidence and believe that they can become an equal member of society, to respect gender equality, to act responsible towards the planet, to gain new skill which will contribute to their quality of life.
We also include other target groups such as children who visit our workshops at the end of the week, the whole day activities during the vacation, and elderly people who participate in basic computer workshops, social games afternoons,...).
Moreover we give the possibilities to do the practical part of the formal education for high school and university students (computer studies, tourism, commercial studies, social network, logistics,…). On a yearly base we include 5-10 young people in these programs. Each year we also give the possibility to young graduates or people without employment so they get their first job in our organization (3 months) and also to young people who have to do socially useful work.Our main guideline is to provide young people with conditions that will enable them to work independently with human resources, infrastructure and financial support; developing and testing one's own potentials; gaining informal experience that will help them in their further study and career.

Our organization employs 10 people and has 8 permanent posts that have been created to carry out tasks in the following areas of the Institute's work:
- Director
- Head of Office
- Head of Youth Programmes (2) (Two different programmes)
- Youth worker
- Sports Infrastructure Maintenance Worker
- Youth programme coordinator and youth hotel manager,
- Maintenance worker

We comprise approximately 1. 500m2 where we have our offices and also offices for various local organizations (football club, climbing club...), youth accommodation within the youth hostel (air-conditioned, wi-fi, spacious kitchen, rooms, bathrooms, living room, laundry room...) and the facilities and equipment for audio and video production.
Volunteers would work mainly with youth workers in our daily centre Freedom for kids with difficult background and on street work, the other 20 per cent of volunteering activities includes work for local public institutions, such as primary school etc.

  • Dieser Organisation wurde das Qualitätssiegel des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps zuerkannt. Das Qualitätssiegel bescheinigt, dass die Organisation in der Lage ist, Projekte im Einklang mit den Grundsätzen und Zielen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps durchzuführen.

Tätigkeit Freiwilligentätigkeit

Rolle gültig bis
Hosting 31/12/2027
Unterstützt 31/12/2027

Projektleitende Organisation

PIC: 945212718 OID: E10026351

Schwerpunktbereiche der Einrichtung

European identity and values


Inclusion of marginalised young people