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Accredited organisation

Wild Carpathia

Wild Carpathia

str. Herman Oberth, Nr. 20, 545400, Sighisoara, Rumänien


Beschreibung der Einrichtung

Wild Carpathia is a non-profit association which promotes the importance of raising living standards and organizes public actions of informing, educating, coordinating and supporting the personal development of people, especially youngsters.

We use non-formal methods, intercultural experiential learning services and other tools to encourage the active involvement of youngsters and to support educational initiatives, social and cultural life with a positive impact in the community.
Wild Carpathia encourages the active participation of youngsters through volunteering by acting as an information office and building relationships with NGOs active in education field.Our aim for the future is to work internationally, to organize big scale events, edit publications, support international workshops, awareness campaigns, exhibitions, training courses, internships and volunteering projects.In order to grow the efficiency we are looking forward to create strategic partnerships with associations from Romania and abroad and to conclude cooperation agreements with various public institutions and private companies.

This is, in our view, the richest expression of education – knowledge applied through common efforts for common benefits!
Wild Carpathia is motivated by the idea that any organization, company or community can only increase by discovering the potential of smart investments in developing and supporting the citizens talents.
Personal development courses
Educational workshops
Developing curricula and training for other organizations to create workshops in their communities
Non-formal education trainings

From 2014 – to 2018 in Sighisoara we:

Developed 15 EVS projects
Coordinated and hosted 97 EVS volunteers
Coordinated 1 internship
Created partnerships with 20 institutions and NGOs in Sighisoara
Hosted 2 training courses organized by National Agency and DoFe

  • Dieser Organisation wurde das Qualitätssiegel des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps zuerkannt. Das Qualitätssiegel bescheinigt, dass die Organisation in der Lage ist, Projekte im Einklang mit den Grundsätzen und Zielen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps durchzuführen.

Tätigkeit Freiwilligentätigkeit

Rolle gültig bis
Hosting 31/12/2027
Unterstützt 31/12/2027
PIC: 947455649 OID: E10175480

Schwerpunktbereiche der Einrichtung

Community development
