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Accredited organisation

Tunisian Scout

Tunisian Scout

Av.Jugurtha Mutuelleville , 1082, Tunis Mahrajéne, Tunisia - +216 71 792 316

Beskrivelse av organisasjon

The Tunisian Scouts is an organization of the Scout movement in Tunisia registered under the n° 4931. It was recognized as a public utility by Decree No. 182-77 of February 16, 1977. Their motto is "Be Prepared". It is a voluntary, independent and educational youth organization open to all.
The goal of the Scout Movement is to contribute to the development of children, adolescents and youth of both sexes in order to strengthen their physical, mental, social and spiritual capacities as independent, responsible and engaged citizens in the local, national and international context.
The mission of the Tunisian scouts is to:
* Help the scout discover his skills.
* Accustom the scout to assume and take care of himself and empower him to be responsible
* Allow the scout to strengthen his will.
* Strengthen the possibilities of self-development.
* Educate the scout to serve and integrate into society.
The Tunisian scout, includes 8 technical branches (sections) based on the age and gender of their respective members:
1. Birds (boys and girls from 5 to 7 years old)
2. Cubs (boys from 7 to 12 years old)
3. Brownies (girls from 7 to 12 years old)
4. Scouts (boys from 12 to 17 years old)
5. Guides (girls from 12 to 17 years old)
6. Rovers (boys from 17 to 23 years old)
7. Ambassadors (girls from 17 to 23 years old)
8. The Pioneers (men and women from 23 to 999 years old)
Each of its branches has its own educational programs that suit the needs and specifics of the age range and gender of participants.
The training of the leaders of these branches consists of several stages, the content on which depends the national policy of leadership and Human Resources Development, which is part of the Arab and international training policy.
Upon joining, the young person adopts the promise, the law and the values of the organization:
Promise : The promise is the solemn commitment made during a ceremony by the young person to signify his or her adherence to the law and the values of scouting. It is part of the constants of all branches of scouting.
Law: the scout
1- does and deserves trust.
2- engages himself where he lives.
3- serves and acts for a fairer world.
4- is supportive and is a brother to all.
5- welcomes and respects others.
6- discovers and respects nature.
7- does his best.
8- smiles and sings, even in difficulties.
9- shares and wastes nothing.
10- respects his body and develops his mind.

Scouting is based on three broad principles that reflect the organization's core beliefs that inspired promise and law originally conceived by Baden-Powell, the founder of scouting.
The Scout values that we live and Share, on a daily basis throughout the scout journey, are present in our law and our promise.
• Duty to God: the duty to adhere to spiritual principles and the religion from which they originate and accept the responsibilities for that. (spiritual principle)
• Duty to others: the responsibility to promote peace, indulgence and cooperation in one's local, national and international community by participating in the development of society, respecting the dignity of others and protecting the integrity of the world of nature. (social principle)
• Duty to oneself : the responsibility to flourish to one's full potential physically, intellectually, spiritually and socially. (personal principle)

The National Commissariat of Tunisian scouts, headed by the national commissioner and his National Committee, is based in Tunis. However, the association is spread over the 24 Tunisian regions. Each region is headed by a regional commissioner and his regional committee. Each region is also composed of groups, each group is headed by its local group leader and committee. Finally, each group is composed of at least 3 troops belonging to 3 different technical branches.
The national Commissioner, Regional Commissioners and local group leaders are elected for three - year terms renewable only once.
Currently, the Tunisian scouts has 351 groups, spread over the Tunisian territory (almost 300 Tunisian delegations). Its groups include for the year 2019/2020 (the year COVID-19) : 6034 leaders ( Males and Females) , 3152 pioneers and 19453 young people and children. The number of leaders, as well as the pioneers have been almost constant for 5 years, while the number of youth and children members has dropped due to the virus (35227 for the year 2018/2019 for example).
Each troupe organizes activities that usually take place during weekends and school holidays. However, local activities at the group level can be organized as well as regional and national activities (with multiple troops and / or groups) are organized as needed.
Based on the objective and mission of the organization, the activities organized for young people and children are very diverse. Mainly based on symbolism for children and motivation for young people, activities can be artistic, cultural, environmental, citizenship, sports, indoors or outdoors.


This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Disability
  • Social obstacles
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Frivillig arbeid

Role Utløpsdato
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027
PIC: 941702385 OID: E10207999


Jordbruk, skogbruk og fiskeri

