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Accredited organisation

Zavod Salesianum, OE Skala

Zavod Salesianum, OE Skala

Ob Ljubljanici 36, 1000, Ljubljana, Slowenien - +38631486554

Beschreibung der Einrichtung

Zavod Salesianum, OE Skala is a private, non profit, non-governmental apolitical organization, which implements the youths. Skala was founded by the Catholic Salesian Order in 1995 and is using similar methods like Don Bosco. Participants are accepted regardless of their religion, political, gender, racial, ideological and cultural differences. Work in Skala is mainly oriented towards youth street work. We plan all programs according to youth needs, becasue a lot of youngsters living in threating life situations. The programme takes place in an urban residential complex where youth is extremely subjected to negative influences of the area. There are mostly youngsters with less opportunities. It is a program for quality leisure time, for improving learning and work habits, developing and improving social and functional skills, and reducing social exclusion. One part of programme is also situated in Skalas offices and youngster come to us.

Target group: youth between six and eighteen years of age, on a non biased bases. Work in office is usually from 9. am, and work with kids is starting around 1. pm, when they finish school. Starting and finishing work depend from the acitivity where you work. Mainly we work until 18. pm. Weekends are mostly free, except of some extra events, that we plann together.

In Skala there is six employees: they all have experience working with youths, some of them finish Faculty for social work or pedagogic. They are working on differents project or activities.

Forms of work:
Skala daily center: The programme includes four hours of learning (between 13 AM and 16 PM), followed by some creative and discussion workshop, cooking devepompment and in warmer times also otuside acitivities. The Daily Centre is intended for elementary school children of 6 to 15 years of age. It plays a prevention role and as an alternative for spending leisure time, learning and socialising in a high-quality manner.

Minibus of joy: This program is conducted three times a week directly on the streets, between the residental buildings, where youth gathers. We offer a safe environment for constructive spending of free time. A place where youths can be informed and councelled, a place for informal learning, games, discussion, relaxation, creativity and a lot of sport activities. The Minibus of Joy is a mobile youth center and the hub of youth street education, a meeting point for all youth and a starting point for further educational work with both individuals and groups. Its program consists of three parts: one part is intended for education and informal learning, the second to creative activities and the last to entertainment, fun and sports activities.

Club SMC Kodeljevo: The club is a "drop-in" point where children and young people can come to socialize, simply play board games, and at the same time have the opportunity to get involved in other activities. Inform the club that organizes various workshops and other youth activities.

Fuskabo-social circus: Modern-day youth lead a sedentary lifestyle and lack fitness. By spending all the time in front of various screens they compromise their motor skills. Heavy school bags and busy schedules lead to burnout ... Since 2012, Fuskabo has been aiming to teach youth circus skills whose purpose is to eliminate the majority of the issues listed above. Our work is based on becoming acquainted and mastering various circus requisites, in addition to becoming able to express oneself through circus. Major emphasis is placed on social circus, a safe platform for high-quality and free-ofcharge spending of leisure time.

Sport activities (soccer): Is an activity that strengthens our relationships with youth, teaches them how to collaborate in a team and to respect each other. During organized morning trainings, youth develop their motor skills and prepare for the day in a high-quality manner. By playing in the Salesian Sports League (SportKAT), they expand their social capital and learn how to behave responsibly.

Music activities: Music is an area that is close to young people and through which they express themselves, have the opportunity to create, strengthen their self-confidence, improve their knowledge in the field of music, learn teamwork and make new friendships. We enable children and young people who do not go to regular music school to learn instruments.

Extraordinary programs or activities - Intergenerational events: chestnut picnic, new year’s event party, parents’ day, fužine feast and end of school year party. We also have winter and summer camps, holidays programs for youths and trips. Volunteer can take part in differents activites and also prepare a personal project.

  • Dieser Organisation wurde das Qualitätssiegel des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps zuerkannt. Das Qualitätssiegel bescheinigt, dass die Organisation in der Lage ist, Projekte im Einklang mit den Grundsätzen und Zielen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps durchzuführen.

Tätigkeit Freiwilligentätigkeit

Rolle gültig bis
Hosting 31/12/2027
Unterstützt 31/12/2027

Projektleitende Organisation

PIC: 943516964 OID: E10116474

Schwerpunktbereiche der Einrichtung

Inclusion of marginalised young people

Key competences development

Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide