Youth4youth - giovani in movimento

Youth4youth - giovani in movimento

Youth4youth - giovani in movimento

via Brusaporcello, 8, 12012, Boves, Italy - +393921476800

description of organisation

Organization operating in Cuneo and Turin areas. The main objective is to actively involve young people aged 14 to 30, both locally and internationally.
Much attention is paid to adolescents, a range very often neglected for many reasons.
Using non-formal education methods, we have been organizing and developing local and international activities, including youth exchanges and ESC / ex EVS) since 2008.
The objectives of the association are:
- allow young people to discover other realities and open their minds to new ideas and opportunities;
- support young people in their personal growth path using different tools and methods, from mindfulness to outdoors, from sport to art (in all its forms).
Our target mainly includes young people from a middle-class background, residing in rural areas of Cuneo and in the peripheral areas of Turin.
The commitment is also aimed at the active involvement of young second generation immigrants and young people with school problems or who are part of marginalized groups (LGBT, people with disabilities - deaf, blind, etc.).
The main activities take place at an international level (youth exchanges, training and ESC) with spaces for preparation, reworking and revision at the local level, as well as workshops focused on emotional support and the development of one's potential that we carry out in schools or in spaces of community.
At the local level, the activities are carried out in collaboration with high schools in the Cuneo and Turin areas, through which we work on supporting emotional intelligence (for which we have developed the KA2 project in recent years) and through which we have the opportunity to promote the offered by the Erasmus + program and ESC.
We collaborate with Europe Direct Cuneo to broaden the range of diffusion of our initiatives and to create, on a daily basis, points of contact between the local and Europe.
At the same time we develop local projects with other Cuneo associations, also supported by CSV Cuneo and by initiatives promoted by the CRC Foundation in Cuneo. All these initiatives are aimed at creating networks between local actors; among these we remember the Italian Association of the Blind Cuneo and the Bisalta Bike ASD association, as well as the Institute for the Deaf of Turin, Ergon in favor of the deaf and GIOSEF of Turin, Granda Queer Cuneo and MiCò, as well as the CSV itself.
Other collaborations arise from time to time with other associations in the area also depending on the activities to be carried out.

inclusion topics

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Disability
  • Social obstacles

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Волонтирам

Role Expiry date
PIC: 947304911 OID: E10165609
Last updated on 10/06/24