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Accredited organisation

Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture de Flers

32 bis rue du 14 juillet , 61100, Flers, Frankreich - +33233648475

Beschreibung der Einrichtung

The Youth and Culture House (MJC) of Flers is a non formal association created in 1965, in the city center of Flers : a dynamic town of 15,000 inhabitants located in Normandy, 1 hour south of Caen, in the rural department of the Orne.

Open to all, secular and apolitical, the MJC is managed by a board of volunteers composed of 15 people and led by 30 employees and volunteers each year. Affiliated to the MJCs Confederation of France, the association aims to promote the development and emancipation of its audiences, by making them aware of their skills and by supporting them so that they become active, open-minded and responsible citizen.

The association offers a wide range of artistic, sport and cultural activities (arts, well-being, dance, fitness, languages, music, theater ...), supervised by qualified professionals, and brings together its different audiences in through collective projects or programs, very often carried out in partnership with other structures.

She is actively involved in the following four areas :
- youth (citizenship, commitment, interculturality and mobility of young people);
- health education (physical activity programs adapted for specific audiences);
- culture and artistic expression (Open Stage project, Dynamite Theater programs for specific audiences);
- and finally ecology (transversal actions mobilizing all the human resources of the association)

Within a radius of 30km around Flers (Flers Agglomeration, West Orne and South Calvados), the association reaches on average each year :
. 1,150 members, registered in weekly and one-off activities (workshops, courses, outings, shows, etc.);
. 500 young people, sensitized to citizenship and international mobility, including 100 whom we support in individual or collective projects
. 250 people benefiting from our health education programs
. 150 people benefiting from our cultural actions.

The MJC reaches an intergenerational audience aged 2 to 94 (a nod to Justin the dean of the association elected to the Board!) And is overwhelmingly female: 75% of girls / women members. This percentage is also verified in the hosting of ESC or french SC volunteers.

Very committed to promoting gender diversity and social diversity, we are developing, in conjunction with many and varied partners, free citizen, cultural or sports programs aimed at specific audiences.
Focus on the rural youth that we reach through our actions: middle school students, high school students, rural or suburb youth, young dropouts, 16-25 year olds in integration, NEET, migrants (minors and young adults), young people in health institutions (in disabled and / or suffering from chronic diseases), students from Flers (nurses, engineers, technical studies) or who are returning to their territory of origin, young adults at the start of their careers, temporary workers.

Giving young people hope for the future: this was the original credo of the MJC after the Second World War. Faithful to this initial objective, our MJC welcomes many young people each year with the objective of a springboard: we help them develop their skills and carry out their initiatives (local or abroad), always with a positive outlook on their future. The values of the association (openness, interculturality, commitment, citizenship) are perfectly embodied through European exchanges and the Volunteering that the MJC has coordinated for more than 20 years at the local and regional level.

In short, the MJC de Flers is a living place where everyone is involved, where the voice of the other is considered and respected; a constantly moving hive where each people works for the future and future projects, locally, regionally and beyond our borders; a place to meet and share, around a tea or a coffee, in the living room called ``Druide room'', which has been redeveloped, thanks to European LEADER aid, in the spirit of the `` Foyer '' at the origin of the association.

[Cf. Associative project and target of values 2019-2021 and organizational chart of the MJC attached.]

  • Dieser Organisation wurde das Qualitätssiegel des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps zuerkannt. Das Qualitätssiegel bescheinigt, dass die Organisation in der Lage ist, Projekte im Einklang mit den Grundsätzen und Zielen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps durchzuführen.

Tätigkeit Freiwilligentätigkeit

Rolle gültig bis
Hosting 31/12/2027
Unterstützt 31/12/2027

Projektleitende Organisation

PIC: 949122982 OID: E10073093

Schwerpunktbereiche der Einrichtung

Green skills

Community development

European identity and values