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Accredited organisation

VšĮ Telšių jaunimo centras

VšĮ Telšių jaunimo centras

Plunges st., 29, LT-87329, Telšiai, Lituania - +37067055250

Descripción de la organización:

"Jei jūsų vertinimo rezultatai bus sėkmingi, atsakymas į šį klausimą kartu su kitais šios formos elementais (pvz., Kontaktine informacija) bus viešai prieinamas per internetinę organizacijų, gavusių kokybės ženklą, duomenų bazę. Dėl šios priežasties prašome parašyti angliškai, turint omenyje tikslinę grupę, kurią norite pasiekti.

Telšiai Youth Center - non-formal educational institution engaged in open work with youth. There are three directions where we are working to: Youth center, Mobile youth work and Learning through experience center.

Our goals:
- to develop a conscious personality, capable to find responsible and creative solutions of their problems and to participate actively in society;
- to enable youth to express themselves;
- to accompany young people in initiating and organizing activities, events, projects;
- to reach passive, non-organized young people from the risk families, at the same time to pull them from the negative impact of the street and give them assistance;
- to develop communication skills and work with the themes emerging from everyday situations;
- to encourage socialization processes, self-knowledge, develop imagination, reflection, relaxation;
- to reach youth in rural area of Telšiai;
- to use outdoor (hikes, camps, height activities, etc.) as a tool for learning;

Organization exists since 2007 and it is one of the main youth centers of attraction. Here comes young people who have very different interests, experiences and social position. Youth Center activities include a variety of areas: place to come and just be without any particular activities, communications, meetings with friends, playing music, sports activities (camps, hiking, height activities, outdoor), healthy living, healthy food, access to the Internet, themed evenings, training, creative workshops. Youth workers are available for every young person who wants to get help in depressive, difficult situations or just to have chat about something anxious.
All activities follow principles of non-formal education - attempting to create a safe, secure environment, do the move, reflect on experience, make conclusions and try once more. We encouraging young people to active participation, learning from the experience, reflecting on what is going on, informal communication and teamwork. It is not intended for results. Everything is focused on the process.

Youth Center is available to all young people of both sexes from 14 to 29 years, who is looking for a safe environment, new communication, stay together forms, who have free time but do not know how and where to spend it. Young people runs various projects and implement them. Ongoing projects include a variety of fields: music (playing guitar, drums), sports (sports, games, board games, orienteering, hiking), art (workshops), organizes thematic afternoons and evenings (if needed). We do summer camps (healthy lifestyles, survival, military), hiking, biking, using forests, night time, height construction in Learning through experience center.

Trumpai pristatykite savo organizaciją, įskaitant informaciją apie jos tikslus, tikslines grupes, įprastą veiklą ir kitus svarbius aspektus."

  • Esta realización posee un sello de calidad del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad Europeo. El sello de calidad certifica que la organización organización puede ejecutar proyectos de conformidad con los principios y objetivos del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad.

Área Voluntariado

Función Fecha de expiración
Hosting 31/12/2027
De apoyo 31/12/2027

Organización principal

PIC: 947684375 OID: E10190336

Temas de la organización

Educación y formación
