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Accredited organisation


Asociación IDEAPOLIS. EU

Av. Estación, 8 bajo , 22800, AYERBE, Spania - +34669422819

Beskrivelse av organisasjon

IDEAPOLIS.EU Association is a non-profit organization that was founded in January 2006 under the name of TELECENTRO DE AYERBE Association with social purposes aimed at promoting the use of ICT in Ayerbe and the surrounding municipalities, disseminating new technologies in rural areas, promoting teletraining actions and in general all those actions that promote the reduction of the digital divide in rural areas.

In 2015, the General Assembly agreed on the re-foundation of the Association, which resulted in a modification of the Statutes that would help to better identify our vocation to help bring Europe closer to the different groups in our environment and, if possible, with greater emphasis on young people. Consequently, this modification included the new name of the Association and the extension of our aims, which are currently the following:

-To promote the development of a European framework of cultural, social, civic and environmental integration, especially among young people.

-To promote the organisation of European activities and projects, especially among young people.

-To promote actions that favour the reduction of the digital divide.

To promote non-formal and informal education actions.

Our territorial scope is the Autonomous Community of Aragon, although we focus our activities as a priority in the municipalities of the regional territory of La Hoya de Huesca, which as a whole constitute a disadvantaged rural territory, but with a very important patrimonial, landscape and cultural richness. However, economic activity presents significant difficulties due to isolation, poor infrastructure and remoteness from the major decision-making centres.

ICTs are emerging as a generator of new opportunities, especially for economies based on heritage, culture and quality tourism, which could access the globalisation of markets, as well as having access to qualified human resources without limitations of space or time, and favouring access to advanced quality services.

For these reasons, our association participates in various projects that aim to enhance the local heritage of the Pyrenean and pre-Pyrenean areas

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Frivillig arbeid

Role Utløpsdato
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 949246657 OID: E10081027