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Accredited organisation

Veszprémi Egry Úti Körzeti Óvoda

Veszprémi Egry Úti Körzeti Óvoda

Egry J.street 55. , 8200, Veszprém, Węgry - +3688425418

Opis organizacji

The education in the kindergarten is child-centred, focusing on a multi-sided and harmonic development of the personality of the children. Every child in our kindergarten spends their pre-school years in an emotionally supported carefree environment. This is the place where children can best develop and their personal skills can best evolve in a loving, caring, playful and tranquil environment. Our teaching staff are highly educated and have advanced empathic skills. We pay attention to the children’s individual development and individual skills development, using different methods tailored to their own individual needs and stages of development making sure that the environment best facilitates the evolution of their abilities. Our joint effort aims to bring up well-educated, balanced children in an aesthetic pre-school environment by organizing programmes which highly contribute to the development of their personalities. The primary scene of the education of pre-school children is the family.
Playing games is given priority in this process which is the fundamental activity of the children which helps to develop their skills and their abilities, to gain experience and knowledge.
Our kindergarten has 11 groups od children aged 3-7 years and we are engaged in educating, teaching these children, as well as in helping with develpoing their personlaties. One of our accentuated objectives is the development of children's competences taking into consideration the special characteristics of each individual, age group as well as the different paces of development.
Three of the 11 groups are German minority groups, where helping children get acquainted with the German langauge and culture, passing on folk traditions, enhancing national identity as well as paving the ground for the primary school German language training are our primary objectives.

The festivals that we celebrate in our kindergarten include:
- Harvest festival
- Marton's Day
- Santa Claus and Advent
- Christmas
- Carnival
- Easter
- Mother's Day
- Father's Day

In the playground of the kindergarten there are several types of slides, wooden playthings, swings, sandboxes monkey bars available for the children to satisfy their needs of physical activity.
The salt room ant the well-equipped gym in the kindergarten both contribute to the health promotionof the kids. Besides above, we organize excursions and trips to the zoo and other places for the children every year.

Our institution is open from 6.30 a.m. till 5.30 p.m. every day from Monday to Friday.

The daily routine of the kindergarten is as follows:
7.00-10.00 a.m. Receiving the children in the classes - Free play - breakfast - initating story telling and free conversation - developing invidual skills and competences
10.00-10.10 a.m. cleaning up
10.10-10.30 a.m. Sport activities
10.30-11.45 a.m. Free conversations - playing outside in the playground
11.45- 12.30 a.m. Lunch
12.30 a.m.-2.45 p.m. Story time, sleeping
2.45-3.15 p.m. afternoon snack
3.15-4.30 p.m. playing in the classroom or outside - cleaning up, putting the toys back to their place

Zagadnienia związane z integracją

Organizacja ta jest gotowa przyjąć wolontariuszy, których sytuacja osobista utrudnia im uczestnictwo w projektach. Do różnych rodzajów projektów mogą się zgłaszać osoby należące do kategorii wymienionych poniżej:

  • Przeszkody natury ekonomicznej
  • Przeszkody natury geograficznej
  • Problemy zdrowotne
  • Organizacja ta posiada znak jakości Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności. Znak jakości poświadcza, że organizacja jest w stanie realizować projekty zgodnie z zasadami i celami Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności.

Zakres Wolontariat

Rola Data ważności
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 927538251 OID: E10096031

Tematyka organizacji


Kształcenie i szkolenie

European identity and values