19/001 QUAI EDOUARD VAN BENEDEN , 4020, LIEGE, Belgique - +3243753520Description de l'organisation
VIEWS International, is a European non profit youth organisation created in 2008, which continues VIEWS activities at an international level. It is a network of 15 European countries working on different youth projects for and with visual impaired youngsters (18-30 years old). Views is equally a team of young European visually impaired or sighted, who get passionately involved in a number of projects within VIEWS International.
Through its mutitude of projects, VIEWS International (VI) aims to:
- encourage encounters between blind and partially sighted young Europeans with the aim of developing a mind for solidarity and democracy that is specific to European culture;
- facilitate contacts between organisations and individuals working in all areas associated with visual impairment (non-formal education, culture, sports);
- empower young visually impaired persons (vip) to become independent in their daily life.
Since it's creation, VI has developped a variety of projects for young visually impaired persons like:
- Youth projects like: youth exchanges, Volunteering activities, internships;
- Activities for youth workers: tranings, seminars, study visits, job shadowings …;
- Various institutional cooperations via strategic partnership projects or capacity building activities in youth and (young) adult education.
Views international hosted it's first volunters in former EVS programme in 2005 and continued hosting volunteers in short term projects ( four or four months and a half) until 2009. From that moment until this day, VI and it's local partners, coordinates and hosts projects of 9 months. Of course, we also send volunteers abroad. Our statistics show that we hosted around 50 visually impaired volunteers and sent around 10 vip abroad.
- Cette organisation est titulaire d’un label de qualité du corps européen de solidarité. Le label de qualité certifie que l’organisation est en mesure de mener des projets conformément aux principes et aux objectifs du corps européen de solidarité.
Porté Volontariat
Rôle | Date d'expiration |
Hosting | 31/12/2027 |
Soutien | 31/12/2027 |
Organisation chef de file
Thèmes d'activité de l'organisation
European identity and values
Preventing racism and discrimination