GOSPOSVETSKA CESTA 5, 1000, LJUBLJANA, Slovenia - +38641804069

опис на организацијата

Youth Network MaMa is a national non-governmental organisation which currently connects 50 youth centres in Slovenia. Network MaMa has been established to offer support to its members and to represents them at the higher political level. MaMa developed a modern professional work ethics and works with the social responsibility and proactive content-oriented activities in its mind. The main purpose of the Network MaMa is to contribute to the development of the whole society mostly by empowering local youth centres and young people.

Network MaMa is proud to receive the standard quality label for NGO, which is renewed annually, and which proves the quality work of the organisation. Currently there are four people regularly employed at the Network MaMa making sure to:
• Connect all member youth centres and provide them with substantive support in carrying out their activities.
• Represent the common interest of members and youth work.
• Provide regular information to members and other interested public on activities concerning young people and work with them.
• Organize meetings and to promote communication and interaction among its members.
• Provide expert assistance to members.
• Provide non-formal education and training for members.
• Encourage and to promote the activities of youth centres in the general public.
• Enforce the principles of tolerance, good cooperation and social criticism.
• Engage in dialogue with other national structures and cooperate with them.
• Prepare and to implement international projects.
• Prepare and to conduct international trainings
• Care for the quality of youth work.

Network MaMa also nurtures a pool of very experiences youth workers which not only contribute to the quality of the youth work and network itself, but also have high level of access to so called unorganised young people in local communities. Network MaMa is recognised also as a relevant and active national representative of the youth centres and the youth in general to the higher national political level.

теми за инклузија

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Social obstacles
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Волонтирање

PIC: 943154281 OID: E10088559
Last updated on 10/06/24