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Accredited organisation


7-14 GREAT DOVER STREET CAN MEZZANINE BOROUGH, SE1 4YR, LONDON, Storbritannia - +442030967850

Beskrivelse av organisasjon

Asfar is a dynamic NGO, established in 2012 by a group of young people, designed to inspire, provide a platform and offer a support network to fellow young people, students and graduates specialising in and interested by the Middle East.Since 2013, Asfar has mobilised to support more young people, especially those seeking employment and who would benefit from cultural and skills engagement. Asfar works locally and internationally, to provide opportunities for Communities especially Young People in the UK and the Middle East, through Volunteering & Social Action; an e-Journal; Educational & Enterprise programmes; Cultural activities; and Youth Exchanges, to: Engage, Inspire and Develop themselves.With a particular focus on Youth mentoring, Careers Advice and Skills development, Asfar has been delivering projects to promote social inclusion, develop cultural awareness and encourage Civic participation and Citizenship through Volunteering and Social Action.Through a quarterly e-Journal , skills, cultural and youth projects, Asfar supports young people and other communities to develop, engage and connect on an international basis, encouraging peer to peer support and volunteering opportunities. Asfar also offers employability training, careers advice, support and life changing experiences through informal learning activities.With a focus on the history, society, culture, development and politics of the Middle East, Asfar introduces new ideas, innovative articles and magnificent images of the region through our e-Journal platform and promoting other digital tools. Remaining politically neutral and non-partisan, Asfar’s youth projects and e-Journal cover a full range of areas: from geography to art, languages to society and from history to cookery. Asfar is a unique organisation aimed at promoting the study of different cultures, the curiosity and personal development of individuals and ensuring opportunities for all involved. This aim is designed to counter the decline in Cultural, Language and Regional studies of subjects in Further and higher Education, caused by the promotion of only political, international relations and economic subjects, which are the fashion in most UK FE and HE Institutions, resulting in the decline of the cultural sector and young peoples' knowledge of the world and the skills they require to embark on further studies, travel and the opportunities to be individuals, while learning about different people, communities, cultures and regions.Asfar also aims to promote inter-cultural engagement, languages skills, sport and encourage international organisation collaboration. Asfar also manages Development Consultancy service for fellow NGOs, Charities, Youth organisations, Welfare to Work providers, Apprenticeship and Training providers, as well as International Development organisations, as part of its expanding social enterprise model.


This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Social obstacles
  • This organisation is accredited to run projects under Erasmus+ Volunteering and the European Solidarity Corps.
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Frivillig arbeid

Role Utløpsdato
Sender 31/12/2027
Koordinerer 31/12/2027
PIC: 948591325 OID: E10039244


Kreativitet og kultur

Tilgang for vanskeligstilte

Arbeidsmarked inkl. yrkesveiledning / arbeidsledighet blant unge