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Accredited organisation

Achieve More Scotland

323 Edinburgh House, 2 Princes Square, East Kilbride, G74 1LJ, Glasgow, das Vereinigte Königreich - +441413703660

Beschreibung der Einrichtung

Achieve More Scotland is a registered SCIO based in Glasgow that delivers programmes of community based activities to children and young people from areas of high social deprivation. Community activities take the form of sports, physical activity and play, group-work, volunteering, employability and personal development sessions. We improve young people’s physical and mental health and well-being, confidence and self-esteem, aspirations, personal responsibility and life chances by engaging them in weekly, structured, positive activities that work across communities and are delivered by role models (experienced and trained youth workers/coaches.)

We currently work across 50 different within Scotland on 6 days each week. We work with between 2000-2500 young people each week and have around 3000 individuals registered to take part in our activities. For example on a Friday evening we normally deliver services to over 450 young people, both male and female, aged 9-18, between the hours of 6 and 10pm.

We have developed a volunteering programme which offers young people aged 14-24 the opportunity to undertake different training courses relating to personal and social skills, sports coaching, youth work and personal development. To date over 150 young people have given a minimum of 25 hours community volunteering and over 40 have given >50 hours each. At present there are 48 young people engaged in this programme and we have an ever increasing list of those who want to participate. This programme also gives young people the opportunity to participate in international exchange projects.

Achieve More Scotland is established for charitable purposes only, and in particular, the aims are:
- To promote, through sports and life coaching, the personal development, health & well-being and employment prospects of disengaged and vulnerable young people;
- To provide or assist in the provision of services to assist young people in their personal development, to develop their mental and practical skills so that they may increase their level of activity and, or become active members of their local community;
- To focus attention of the community at large on social issues with a view to creating a sense of individual and community responsibility and participation in the remedying of these problems;
-- To encourage the co-operation and partnership of voluntary groups, statutory authorities, private enterprise and individuals in the service to the community.

Every week Achieve More Scotland are responsible for the delivery of over 200 hours of community based youth programmes and activities. All the young people that we work with come from the country's 10% most deprived communities.

At present we have a number of core programmes, including;
- Diversionary Programme: Engages over 1200 children and young people each week in fun, free and openly accessible community based activities that improve life chances and divert young people away from negative lifestyle choices, including alcohol and drug abuse/misuse, physical inactivity, unemployment and gang violence.
- Volunteering Programme: Engages over 50 young people each year in community based volunteering opportunities. Training, advice and support are available for all volunteers. Volunteering roles include; football, dance, gymnastics or table tennis coach, youth worker, fundraising assistant, activities coordinator and play helpers.
- Play Programme: Engages over 250 children each week aged 3-8 in fun, free and openly accessible play and movement based activities. Parents and children participate together so that communities and families are brought closer together at a younger age.


Diese Einrichtung ist zur Aufnahme von Freiwilligen bereit, deren persönliche Situation die Beteiligung an Projekten erschwert. Auswahl aus folgenden Kategorien für verschiedene Arten von Projekten:

  • Behinderung
  • Geldprobleme
  • Lernschwierigkeiten
  • Diese Organisation ist zur Durchführung von Projekten im Rahmen von Erasmus+ - Freiwilligentätigkeiten und des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps berechtigt.
  • Dieser Organisation wurde das Qualitätssiegel des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps zuerkannt. Das Qualitätssiegel bescheinigt, dass die Organisation in der Lage ist, Projekte im Einklang mit den Grundsätzen und Zielen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps durchzuführen.

Tätigkeit Freiwilligentätigkeit

Rolle gültig bis
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 922573985 OID: E10185570

Schwerpunktbereiche der Einrichtung

Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung

Körperliche Betätigung und Sport
