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Opis organizacji

Cilento Youth Union is a non-profit organization that started in Rofrano (SA) in 2015, targeting Italy's youth with fewer opportunities as well as Europe's, with a particular reference to Mediterranean Basin and to rural and inner areas which Cilento can be assimilated to. The organisation was recently created under the initiative of active local young people which wanted to become part of European programs Life Long Learning projects both in formal and informal contexts, and after the line of different Youth Exchanges that were applied in the town in last 4 years under the Comune di Rofrano initiative. As the Municipality, since 2010, has promoted and achieved the Plan "Largo (ai) Giovani!", funded by Italian Ministry of Youth, starting up again the local Youth Forum (Forum dei Giovani), there was a a raise of the natural need for a non profit body that would take over the Erasmus plus project initiative and increase awareness and know-how about the values of voluntaryism, active and European citizenship. In short the main objectives of the C. Y. Union are:• To boost rural development and sustainable tourism non profit activities, while supporting the growth of the inner areas of the Cilento and the whole National Park;• To enhance the employability of young people from disadvantaged and rural inner areas of Cilento (where the youth unemployment rate has reached peaks of 60%), in order to give them new social opportunities also in the European labor market;• To promote opportunities for intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue for young people from local area;• To strengthen a culture of tolerance, respect and acceptance of other cultures, ethnic and religious minorities;• To develop research for the European dimension of vocational trainings and for the European project planning sector;• To empower youth, by providing education, following formal and non formal approach;• To decrease level of prejudices or stereotypes among different European Regions and Italy in particular;• To promote the values of non-formal education, European Voluntary Service, active citizenship, European mobility and democracy for the creation of a better future for the European youth.

  • Organizacja ta jest akredytowana do realizacji projektów w ramach wolontariatu Erasmus+ i Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności.
  • Organizacja ta posiada znak jakości Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności. Znak jakości poświadcza, że organizacja jest w stanie realizować projekty zgodnie z zasadami i celami Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności.
PIC: 925216750 OID: E10067395