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Accredited organisation

Coordinadora Infantil y Juvenil de Tiempo Libre de Vallecas

Coordinadora Vallecas

Javier de Miguel 92-2, 28018, Madrid, Spain - +34649807240

Description of organisation

Coordinadora Infantil y Juvenil de Tiempo Libre de Vallecas is a nonprofit association created by organizations and associations working with children, youth and their families at risk of social exclusion in Madrid, especially in Vallecas district area of south-east of Madrid, Spain. It has been declared PUBLIC UTILITY in 2001. Coordinadora gathers 19 associations, more than 500 volunteers and more than 2,000 children /and youngsters are involved in their projects.
Coordinadora’s mission is to strength and encourages the networking of social organizations in Vallecas, promoting social transformation and betting for the development of children, youth and their families.
Our mission is to generate social changes that improve the living conditions of children, youth and their families in vulnerable situations, from a perspective of developing their rights. The realization of a joint project by the people of the network's social organizations contributes to this, from a common action strategy that combines innovation, intervention, training and social research.
Our vision is that of a society that respects the rights of children and youth in equal and equal opportunities. Coordinadora de Vallecas contributes to this by acting as a reference on social issues, with great capacity for influence and social support, convinced of its innovative role and within a framework of network.
Our values are:
Participation / Active citizenship / Volunteering
Quality and continuous improvement
At Coordinadora de Vallecas we promote participation in Europe as motivation and learning for young people, volunteers and workers. Likewise, we are the promoter of the Vallecas School of Educators and a Non-formal Education Training School recognized by the Community of Madrid. In which adult training is given both for official degrees and courses for monitors and directors of educational activities. Beside free time trainings such as thematic continuous training courses specializing in social intervention with minors.
Our main working areas are:
The Leisure time, as socialization space for children.
The Leisure time, as socialization space for youngsters.
The family, as the first socialization space.
Strengthening networks: common workspaces
European Programmes

Through European Programmes as Erasmus+, DAPHNE, Eurochild, Youth in Action, Grundtvig, Leonardo and others. Coordinadora encourages young people, volunteers and workers to participate in projects at European level as a learning experience.

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Волонтирам

Role Expiry date
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 948963805 OID: E10063250

Organisation topics

European identity and values


Inclusion of marginalised young people