Biedriba "Siguldas Alternativa izglitiba"

Biedriba "Siguldas Alternativa izglitiba"

"Siguldas Alternativa izglitiba"

Jana Poruka iela , LV-2150, Sigulda, Latvia - +37126789874

opis organizacji

The association "Alternative Education of Sigulda" (until 2006 – Support Foundation of Alternative Education of Sigulda) was founded in 1998. Association was founded by the initiative of parents and Waldorf pedagogy enthusiasts with the aim to promote children's alternative education growth opportunities and to promote family education, represent and defend the interests of alternative education activists, support teacher’s professional development of alternative education and participate in the development of alternative education methodology. In 2009, the association acquired the status of a public benefit organization and is a member of the Association of Latvian Waldorf pedagogy.

Currently, the association operates in the following directions: 1) management of Waldorf Preschool Education Institution of Sigulda (hereafter - kinderten), 2) organization of various public activities for kindergarten students and their families, members of the association and all persons interested in alternative education and healthy lifestyle, 3) promotion of European Volunteering society through the implementation of European volunteering projects.

The association has established close cooperation with the parents of kindergarten students, who actively participate in the work of both the kindergarten and the association. With the support of parents, donors and project funding, significant improvement works have been carried out in the kindergarten and surroundings.

Until 2013, in cooperation with other organizations, the association hosted and operated young volunteers from France, Italy, Turkey, Ukraine and Germany. Thanks to this experience, in 2013 the association applied for and was accredited as a European volunteer hosting and coordinating organization, as a result of which young volunteers from different countries of the world are admitted and work in Waldorf Kindergarten of Sigulda every year. In September 2016, a Certificate was received for granting the status of a coordinating and host organization for participation in “Erasmus +: Youth in Action” European Voluntary Service projects until 2020. Association now is aiming to continue activities of hosting volunteers from different countries as well in period of 2020 to 2027.

Volunteering project

Nazwa projektu Project Dates Termin Status
EVS 4 sustainable life
A total of 1 week(s) during the period
wrzesień 2018 to listopad 2019
01/09/2018 - 01/11/2019
31/12/2037 open

Organizacja ta posiada znak jakości Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności. Znak jakości poświadcza, że organizacja jest w stanie realizować projekty zgodnie z zasadami i celami Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności.

Zakres Wolontariat

Rola Data ważności
Organizacja przyjmująca31/12/2027
PIC: 936301231 OID: E10016588
Ostatnia aktualizacja 31/05/24

Tematyka organizacji

European identity and values

Community development