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Accredited organisation

ADOC - Associação de Ocupação Constante

ADOC - Associação de Ocupação Constante

Rua do Fujacal, 59, 2º Esq , 4705, Braga, Portugal - +351963391715

Beschreibung der Einrichtung

ADOC is a Non-Governmental Organization that work since 2000 and is located at one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal, Braga a 2000 years old roman city.
We have our headquarters in Braga but we work on disadvantaged areas of the country, with interiority problems, desertification, school dropouts, people with reduced mobility/disability and youth unemployment.

We put all of our straingth and soul on a local development and through local resources whe work with the safeguarding of cultural/historical/environmental heritage for all.

For 21 years ADOC developed projects on a national and international dimention and hosts international youth exchanges, international volunteers as well as holiday/work camps, workshop´s and cultural visits for people with reduced mobility (functional diversities, mental, physical, auditive and visual) during which the participants are actively involved in preparing the activity program with their motivation and implementing it.

ADOC methodology is work with the method of non formal and peer education.With the help of practical exemples we develop projects for inclusion that empower young people for the entrepreneurship and creativity through the non formal educational, promote education for development, protect, study and revitalize the historic, cultural and environmental heritage, disseminating new technologies and organize actions in the field of inclusion, culture, reduced mobility, disability and other nom formal educational areas.

ADOC works on a strong European dimention and focus on raising awareness around the rights linked to the EU citizenship and the rights of people with reduced mobility/disability and we work with and for youngsters and young adults with fewers opportunities, reduced mobility, disability and people who love to revitalize cultural heritage trough heritage activities. In order to promote cohesion, solidarity, democracy, European identity and active citizenship for the development of skils/competences to empower young people/adults for the entrepreneurship at creative industries.

This also shows in the implementation of projects and activities, which topics are fo inclusion of all the persons: difference, sensibilization, heritage, culture, sustainable economy and mobility are part of the activity plan.As inclusion and cultural diversity is a constant throughout our projects we always have in mind the importance of the surrounding diversity and all its benefits and challenges, therefore we work on the basis of inclusive instruments and safeguarding the physical, cultural and moral security of all partners.Thus, we propose to develop a broader project with a European dimension to promote inclusion and combat youth unemployment, social exclusion, which educate for entrepreneurship, promote intergenerational dialogue, which consisted of local development and training of young people with fewer opportunities through the identification, development and promotion of touristic products for people with reduced mobility.

ADOC develop a large number of activities in the field of cultural heritage, tourism, reduced mobility, non formal education and empowerment of youngsters with fewer opportunities. We implement different cultural and artistic activities, for e.g exhibitions, lectures, story telling, story of the city, colllecting of life stories, workshop´s, cultural routs for all, etc; Promote and disseminate those activities through audiovisuals and multimedia resources; develop different activities for young people and elders, for example sensory garden, environmental activities, work camps, photography and painting workshops, collect of life storys, cultural activities, etc.; those activities are in order to develop various skills in young people so that they may sustain or promote their on projects (eg, support in project manager, training for entrepreneurship, creative writing workshops, etc.).

ADOC want to enlarge our networking with Organizations that promote European citizenship; work with the cultural heritage; be open to people with reduced mobility and disability; work with sustainability and environment; work with youngster with fewer opportunities; develop solidarity and promote cohesion, solidarity, democracy, tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union; foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries; promote European identity and active citizenship, for last but not the least contribute to develop the quality of support systems for youth activities and enlarge the capabilities of work together with civil society organizations in the youth field.

  • Dieser Organisation wurde das Qualitätssiegel des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps zuerkannt. Das Qualitätssiegel bescheinigt, dass die Organisation in der Lage ist, Projekte im Einklang mit den Grundsätzen und Zielen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps durchzuführen.

Tätigkeit Freiwilligentätigkeit

Rolle gültig bis
Hosting 31/12/2027
Unterstützt 31/12/2027

Projektleitende Organisation

PIC: 942748821 OID: E10060205

Schwerpunktbereiche der Einrichtung

Cultural heritage/European Year of Cultural Heritage

European identity and values
